Chapter 22: Sophia's Secret

Start from the beginning

Quite interesting for other people to know someone's plans before that same someone even realized they had to do something without that someone's consent being approved.

That's right. I had no freaking idea that my writer persona had a book signing here in Manila this June. I was absolutely infuriated with my agent for not consulting me about this sudden agenda.

"Someone leaked an announcement this morning on twitter." Spencer grinned at me. "You should really have more than one social account,Sophia. It keeps people updated."

"She has a point," Stacy seconded, and she earned another glare from me.

I couldn't resist thinking whether my own twin had something to do with this.

There were two reasons, after all, why I don't trust people.

One, I don't know them.

Two, I know them.

Stacy fell in the second category.

My sister easily read my face, and when I turned to look at her across the table, she discreetly shook her head, and I could see the truth in her aquamarine eyes. She didn't do anything.

And I believe her.

Spencer held me by the arm and throttled me excitedly. Her eyes were big as she grinned and asked me: "You're coming with us, right??"

I cupped my head, feeling kind of dizzy from her shaking me. "Uh, I'm not sure," I told her.

"Aw! Why not?" Emily whined, hugging her two books to her chest.

It's honestly weird--a good weird--to see your friends fan-girl over your works.

Scratching my right cheek, I lowered my brown eyes to my half-eaten cheeseburger.

"They haven't even set a date yet," I replied in a strained voice. "And what if the day falls on an important exam? Prelims are looming in the horizon, guys. We have to start cracking books."

"You're such a grade-grind, Sophia," Spencer criticized, a frown playing on her lips.

"Just tell us if you change your mind," Emily told me and they bid me goodbye.

I felt a bit downcast as I watched my two friends step out of the cafeteria.

"What's with the dejected face?" Stacy asked me, which made me glance at her.

A heavy sigh left my mouth. "Do you think I should do it?"

My blonde sister remained quiet as I gauged her expression.

I crossed my arms in front of me."You think I should do it."

Stacy took a small sip of her smoothie, then said: "Why not?"

"Because!" I said, exasperated. "Liz hasn't even asked me."

"Would you have said yes?" my twin challenged.

I propped my elbows on the blue square table and cupped my face.

"No.. Yes. Maybe?" I groaned into my palms.

My sister leaned forward,arms folded on the table, and eyed me.

She urged me: "You should go talk to her."

"What, and let her manipulate me into saying yes?"

"You don't have to be so against this, you know."

I washed my hands down my face and frowned at Stacy. "It just feels like Liz still sees me as a 15-year old pushover."

Elizabeth Lin was my agent whom I met three years ago. I could still rehash that fateful day. In fact, I can relive it by reading one of my journals.

*Flashback 3 Years Ago*

I was an oblivious fifteen-year old high school girl who was just tapping away on my laptop while sitting alone at a 2-seater table in 7-11, a local convenience store in Quezon City.

"Hey, may I sit with you?"

Lifting my eyes from my laptop screen, I saw a tall, stunning woman in her early twenties.

She had layered mahogany hair cascading down her bare shoulders in a soft waterfall. Her features were akin to a porcelain doll's. Pale skin. Almond eyes. Small ruby lips.

Her purple sleeveless polo flaunted her long arms, and she was wearing skinny blue jeans ending in a cute pair of black flats with white ribbons on them. She carried a black purse.

A sheepish smile blossomed on her red lips as she looked at me.

"All the other tables are taken, and I need to rest my feet for a minute."

I nodded my head and smiled up at her. She beamed at me while she sat down.

"Gosh, Thanks." The woman put her cup of iced coffee on the table between us.

I just gave her a faint smile and shifted my eyes on my laptop,resuming my work.

A couple of minutes of typing at my keyboard, I sensed the lady staring at me.

"You're awfully timid, aren't you?" She told me, then she sipped her iced coffee.

My lips formed an 'O' and I didn't know how to reply to her. So I shrugged.

"I'm Elizabeth Lin." She traced a finger around the rim of her foam cup. "And you?"

Clearing my throat, I obliged her: "Sophia Sta. Ana."

"How old are you?"


"You look younger."

"I get that a lot."

Elizabeth Lin studied my face. "You're curious about my age, aren't you?"

I flashed her a toothy grin. "Sort of."

"I'm twenty-two." She smiled. "I just graduated a few weeks ago."

"You look older than 22."

She laughed at my comment. "Not a lot of people are brave enough to tell me that."

"Why? Do you scare them?" I blurted out.

"It's my resting bitch face. R.B.F, they call it."

The whole time we were conversing, my fingers continued to fly across the keyboard.

"You seem engrossed in your work," she observed.

"I'm writing a story," I said, casting her a brief look.

She stood up from her chair and rounded the table, then stood behind me.

"Hmm." Elizabeth peered at my progress. "This is good. Actually, this is very impressive."

I suddenly felt self-conscious, shrinking in my seat. My fingers froze on top of the keyboard.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I'm uneasy when people watch me work."

She recoiled from my laptop screen and looked to the side. "Oh, right. Sorry."

Her eyes felt heavy on my face as I continued to type on my laptop.

"Sophia, what would you say to becoming an author?"

"I'd love it," I admitted.

"Is your manuscript almost finished?"

I smiled a little. "Just a few more chapters to go. Why?"

Elizabeth placed a hand on my shoulder, and I brought my eyes to hers.

"When I look at you, Sophia, I see a lot of potential. And I can help you."

"I'm sorry? I don't understand," I said, gazing at her confusedly.

The 22-year-old reached for my hand and I found myself shaking hers.

"Elizabeth Lin, Publishing Agent, at you service," she announced.

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