Volume 3: Heroes and Monsters

Start from the beginning

Adam: Consider this... a spark.

Blake suddenly charges into the dining hall, drawing her sword in a flash. Her blade clashes with his as she pushes him away from the student, and they stand with their blades locked.

Blake: I'm... not... running.

Adam: You... will.

He kicks her away, knocking her onto the floor. After a quick struggle, Mitchell kills the Beowulf with a stab of his Gauntlet blades then goes charging at Adam, but he gets knocked back by a shot from Adam's sheath on the shoulder.

Blake: MITCH!!!

Adam: But not before you suffer for your betrayals.

3rd Person's POV:

Back outside the Beacon grounds, Velvet groans as she struggles to get up, only to get knocked back down when Coco bumps into her after getting knocked away from a Paladin. Neon and Reese dodges and weaves between groups of students fighting against the infected Atlesian Knights and Paladins. Yatsuhashi was busy fighting a Griffon while Flynt uses his trumpet to hold back a Paladin. Weiss then arrives on the battlefield, but gets knocked back by another Paladin.

Neptune: Weiss!

Yatsuhashi tries to hold back a Paladin's fist with his sword, but he gets knocked back. The Paladin then turns to and starts approaching a distracted Ren.

Nora: Look out!

She pushes Ren out of the way of the Paladin's incoming strike, taking the hit instead.

Ren: Nora! No!

He reaches out to her, but gets knocked back by the Paladin too. Coco and Neptune fire their weapons at the Paladin, but it is completely unfazed by the shots.

Neptune: Uh, this is bad.

Coco: Well, I guess now's a better time than any. Velvet!

Velvet: Really?

Coco: Just make them count.

Velvet nods. As she walks up to the Paladins.

Weiss: What are you doing!? She's going to get hurt!

Coco: Just watch.

(A/N: Music Starts here.)

With her weapon, Velvet begins to replicate Ruby's scythe, as she imitates Ruby's overhead spin, landing on top of the Paladin as she dodges its cannon fire. She then replicates Weiss' rapier to deflect the Paladin's punch and land a few blows before pushing it back with Yang's weapons' imitation. Once after she lands a few shots, she slides under the Paladin's fist, similar to Blake as she uses the Gambol Shroud copy and uses its string to trip over the mech, before moving to the second Paladin by lopping off its hand, and jabbing it in the head with the cleaver.

Before it can react, it is immediately peppered with imitation bullets, thanks to copying Coco's minigun. As it moves forward, Velvet switches to using Sun's staff as a reference, as she lands another few hits while landing a downward blow from above with a copy of Nora's hammer, severing a limb.

Another Paladin rushes over, but Velvet made quick thinking as Tenka would as she uses a copy of his Tri-Sector Sparrows, firing off a couple of arrows before slashing the legs with the edges of the duplicate weapons. She then imitates my Parablagun in its gun form as she jumps back while unleashing numerous armor-piercing bullets at the Paladin's torso as I would before slicing off the hand that was about to punch her back in its axe form. She dodges an overhead punch from the other arm, before she makes light copies of Rachel's dragonic armour and spears and embeds them in the shoulder joint, stabbing and slashing away, causing the arm to fall off. She then begins to replicate Mitchell's gauntles in its blade form as she twirls around in circles, similar to what Mitchell would do as he propels himself up in the air then dives down, impaling the weapon to the Paladin's head.

As the first Paladin attempts to recover, Velvet immediately copies Penny's swords, as she leaps off the second Paladin and slices apart its legs before blasting it at full power. However, the first Paladin sucker punches Velvet.

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