Chapter 10

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I thought this year was going great only a few more weeks of school left what can happen I thought. Well, apparently a lot of shit can happen.

I thought someone in my life was there for me all the way. I thought she cared about me, was my best friend. I thought we would be together through thick and thin. I am wrong. For the past two years have just been fake.

Lately everyone is turning against me. Three of my friends left me. And others are saying things to me. I brag a lot about my grades and how I do in school. No one likes a bragger now I know. They told me I am stuck up, an asshole, a bitch and a bragger. All those words can do so much to ones feelings.

I never realized how much I hurt others in the presence. How many people felt bad because I told them my grades. I hurt so much people and I am just paying the price. I regret everything that I have done. You know what they say about karma. It's a bitch. A real bitch and it hurts badly.

But what hurt the most is your "best friend" dropping you. I never expected Aria to do that to me. We have been drifting more apart lately but I thought it is because she is busy all the time. Aria had become more popular in the last year. She is hanging out with people who are bad influences. I guess the more popular she got the more she didn't give a shit about me. The more we drifted apart. The phrase opposites attract is complete bullshit. Aria and I are so different. People might think that I was her last year not anymore. We might look the same physically but not mentally. I am innocent she isn't. I am a nobody with no social life.

The people who she hangs out with makes fun of the lower people. She choose them over me. She picked their side and who knows if she ever made fun of me. Apparently last year she talked shit about me but she didn't say it to me because she felt bad. Well now she doesn't care. She doesn't feel bad that we lost each other.

Now I hate going to school. The thought of seeing Aria around the school angers me. How she just did that. How everything is starting to fall apart for me.

I walk into school sitting near Judy. I don't sit near Aria and Noah anymore. Judy is not popular nor social at all. Aria and her talk sometimes. The problem is that Judy sits at a bench that is close to where Aria sits. It's really awkward now. I don't look at her or talk to her anymore. It will only hurt even more. Judy doesn't have friends she has acquaintances.

"I don't trust people, see Ashlyn that is why I don't have friends because they will just leave you," Judy said. "To late Judy," I sighed.

Even worst is that I have to face Aria in algebra. She sits right behind me. I pass papers down to her I don't turn around I just pass it back without a word. I don't sit at the table anymore with them.

Third period comes around the corner and I sit in front of Brian. "Do you have a piece of paper?" Brain says. "Yeah here," I gave him the paper. A few moments later he gave me the folded up paper. I opened it and read it. Roses are red, violets are blue, we can't be friends, it's not you, oh wait it is you, -Aria, Emma. Ava

"Ha ha very funny," I crumbled up the paper and threw it to him. I laughed it off but it actually hurt. The poem Brian wrote was similar to the one Emma gave me. I thought Emma was my friend. We weren't best friends but we were fine. Emma has been treating me bad lately. She told me she treats all her friends like that. Well that was a fucking lie. She told me I don't hate you Ashlyn just we can't be friends. That made no sense to me at all.

It was signed at the bottom of the paper by Aria, Emma, and Ava. Ava and I weren't that close. So I didn't really care for her. But I guess she was my replacement now. Aria and her are so close and are best friends now.

The poem was a real dick move to make. They gave me that piece of paper without telling it to my face. I thought it was a joke at first. But Aria texted me that Friday night and everything went dark.

"Ashlyn I won't leave you, yeah you do get on my nerves sometimes, but I won't drop you," Brain said while playing with my hair. "Just don't be fake like the others," I said. "Drop the tea honey," He laughed as well as me.

Brian and I moved to the back corner of the class because Mrs. Mary let us move. And Brian of course choose the row where Landon is. He sits two seats infront of me with an empty desk in the middle. I think I have moved on from him. I realized that I won't see him next year because we probably won't have classes together. And like I am going to see him over the summer.

That is also another reason why Aria dropped me and didn't invite me to the hang outs is because I make Landon uncomfortable. I knew I made him uncomfortable I just never thought I would loose my best friend.

"Mrs. Mary can I move over there," some guy in class pointed to the middle of the room. "No stay there you can see perfectly fine from there," Mrs. Mary said. "But why? You let Ashlyn move," he pointed at me. "Why because she has a 99 point average in this class," Mrs Mary raised her voice. "And Brian is right next to her." She said.

I hate how Mrs. Mary said my grade. I don't like bragging anymore. And that made it worst. I am trying to stop but Mrs. Mary had to bring it up. "That is messed up she is playing favorites," I heard the guy say to his friend. "Yep it's messed up," I heard Landon say as well. I slumped down further in my seat feeling horrible.

"Ashlyn you alright," I hear Priscilla say to me while sitting down next to me during lunch."Emotionally I am hurt," I put my head down. Hayley sits on the other side of me. "Hey look I know you have lost people, but you still have us you know I won't ever leave you," Hayley put her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah we aren't fake like the other bitches we are real. And will always be here for you." Priscilla said. "Thank you but I just don't get why she did this. We were so close. My mom called Aria her second daughter. While Aria didn't want to be with her family. I let her be with mine. But that seems like so long ago now," I almost let out a tear. "She has changed so much and you don't deserve her Ashlyn,"Priscilla said. "Yeah they are just jealous and next year fuck her, because she lost a hella good friend," Hayley smiled at me. "Thank you guys for being with me through this tough time."

It has been a week since she dropped me. And I have been crying, and everyone around me has seen my change in mood. But I see Aria in the halls and it seems like she doesn't care. That this whole time she didn't give a fuck. She isn't sad that she dropped her best friend for the last two years. I guess what we had was fake. Well at least I thought it was real but I guess it wasn't. All the laughs we shared, all the good times now is just a memory that will be forgotten. I was always there for her. Telling her all the advice I had. I was there for her but she wasn't there for me. And now she will never be.

A/N: Ashlyn's life seems to be crashing down. What do you think? Is she really over Landon? Will there be light at the end of the tunnel? Also this book might change or an unexpected change will happen. What do you think about Ashlyn? Do you think she deserves more or she is stuck up?

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