Chapter Thirty Six

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This is your trigger warning! There will be mentions of how Sang was abused and, of course, they have to attack Mara and Marie. This chapter is pretty important to Sang's character and the plot so I wouldn't skip it if you don't have to.





This is it.

I am almost free of Master and Marie.

I don't know whether to rejoice or mourn.

Master has always been there for me. She may hurt me, but I know it is so we can have fun.

I know Master loves me. She is always there for me. Master has never left me. Father leaves me. Master doesn't. Master beats me, but only so we have something to do. It is our thing. She watches TV with Marie and has playtime with me.

Deep in thought, I trace where the silvery, barely visible parallel scars run over my legs. I can't see them because of my leather pants, but I know my scars. My pale skin hides them well, but I know they are there.

I remember well the time I got them.

It was a fun and painful day that day.

My arms were tied up across my torso in a way that twisted them out of their sockets. The rope dug deep into my middle and my arms. Every movement resulted in waves of pain. I love pain, but I know that I don't want to die.

A dirty and foul tasting dock was stuffed in my mouth before it got taped shut with duct tape. One of Father's ties was tied around my eyes tightly to prevent me from seeing anything. But not before I saw Master's new toy.

Father specially had it made for her.

I am not sure what Master called it, but I believe it was called the "Cat of Nines" or something like that. Master seemed fond of it.

It was a whip, essentially. Rope that was divided at the end into nine different thin pieces of rope. Three small knots were tied into each of the nine strands.

Left in my underthings, the toy tore through my exposed skin easily, but not easy enough. The knots dug through my flesh as she slid it along. The nine different strands left  nine parallel marks with every strike. Marks that are still with me.

Once Master's arms got tired, she dragged me under the air conditioner.

At first it felt nice. Refreshing, even. But I was left tied up there for days.

I almost died.

The playtime, lack of food, and continual freezing brought me right next to death.

And the whole time I was laughing.


Our playtimes will always stay with me.

We had so many. There were plenty with plenty of different toys. Master and I spent so many hours together.

They were fun, I think.

They were painful, I think.

They were amazing, I think.

They were awful, I think.

I am confused, I know.

It seems as if I am always confused.

I am jarred out of my thoughts by the sight of my house.

The house I have lived in my whole life.

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