Chapter Twenty One

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They just stare at me.

Well, those of them that can open both eyes.

I shrug.

Looks like we are back to them staring/stunned/gawking and me having no clue why.

Must be a guy thing.

They continue to look at me like I am crazy.

I'm not crazy, you know.

I am just mentally hilarious. And WEIRD. Wonderful, Exciting, Interesting, Real, and Different.

"Welp, I am headed to the forest. Catch y'all later."

I glide out the door, my pain and the food working together to make me happy and energized.

I head to where my suitcase is located and pull out a deep green sweatshirt and green shirt that will blend with the forest better than my purple tank top would. I slip them on over my head and am about to head out, when they come into the room.

"Ms. Sorenson, the first round will be you finding us and the second will be us finding you. Whoever is hiding must stay hiding for an hour to win. If you are found before an hour is up, you lose. You will be given a generous thirty minutes to hide," Mr. Blackbourne says.

"Okitay! Sounds fair to me!" I sing out.

"Sang Baby, are you okay to go on? I saw you take a few hits," North Star asks concerned.

"Pshht. Please, that was nothing. Plus, I like pain. It is super fun."

With that, I turn on my heel and move to walk outside.

"Start the timer, old timers!" I call over my shoulder.

I wait until I am out of sight before taking off at a sprint in a random direction. I clear miles like they are nothing, with Star's assistance.

Rather than getting as far away as possible, I have Sarah memorize every little detail in the woods. Star helps me race through the forest. Now, it will be even easier to track their paths.

I use the last ten minutes to hide. I run to the stream and follow it for a ways so our tracks are lost. I don't think that they would have a tracking dog, so my decision to go through the stream is a decent idea.

I pull off my sweatshirt, not just because I am dying of heat, but this way I can try and trick them.

I use a sharp rock and shred my sweatshirt. I take bittersweet berries and mash them in between to rocks. Once I have a decent juice, I use my sweatshirt to absorb the juice. The result is a "bloodied" and torn sweatshirt.

Rest in peace, my sweatshirt. RIP.

I then make fake bear tracks around it and hide the rocks covered in berry juice before making drag marks in the ground.

I smile my evil smile.

I nod in satisfaction and climb up a tree.

I stand on a sturdy branch and carefully race to the end and leap over to a nearby tree. I make my way through the forest quickly via tree leaping.

When I decide I am far enough away, I climb to the top of a tree. The branches are thin and sway in the wind, but I am holding on to a cluster of branches so I am safe.

"Sarah? How much longer do I hide out for?"

"Thirty five more minutes. Hopefully, the "bear attack" will stall them for a while. They might panic a little, but that is fine. Panicked people are rarely smart people."

Sang Insane | ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang