Chapter Thirteen

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This update will be shorter, but I will have another soon!




Luke laughs and gets up to go make me a slushy.

I had a slushy once at school when they had a special assembly and handed them out for free. It was grape flavored and I think it was then that I fell in love with slushies.

I even talked to a pastor about getting married, but he thought I was crazy or something and tried to call for help.

I realized then that I needed to find a new friend.

My last one had escaped.

I hear the slushy machine whirring and North who is grumbling about sugar. The boys quietly talk together.

I think.

They could've been yelling for all the attention I am giving them.

I am sorta transfixed by the slushy machine.

Luke comes back with a beautiful pink slushy, but I don't wait for him. I pop up and run to him. I launch myself at him, hug him tightly, say thank you over and over, kiss his cheek, and snatch the cup from him.

I hop away from him, my focus entirely on the pink slushy.

I want to drink it.

It's too beautiful to drink.

I need to drink it.

If I do, I'll run out of slushy sooner.

Aw, screw it.

I take a big drink. I moan with pleasure and smile with my eyes closed. I run and flip and land on the couch upside down with my knees on the back of the couch and my head hanging down. Star makes it so my slushy is still at the bottom of my cup and my blood flows normally. It is like I am right-side up, but by body is upside sown.

I finally open my eyes and see the boys looking at me strangely.

"What y'all lookin' at?" I ask curiously.

Luke has pink tinting his cheeks and they all have dark eyes.

I shrug and go back to drinking my slushy.

I sigh with happiness.

"Hey Luke, what flavor of slushy is this?" I question.

"Pink lemonade," Is his response.

I smile. I am so happy that he remembered my favorite color!

I take a sip and shivers race down my spine and I get happy pains in my head.

I drink my slushy happily in my own world.

"Sang, they are the nicest people we've ever met! I love this slushy!" Sarah exclaims .

Star snorts, "You couldn't possibly love the slushy more than I do. And I love it to death. We should just get married to it."

"That actually isn't the worst idea..." Sarah trails off.

"Yes!! What do I do to marry it?!" I shout excited.

Sarah thinks before answering, "Ask Mr.Blackbourne if he can marry the two of you. If any of them are licensed, it's him."

I flip my feet over my head so I can get off the couch. I walk up to Mr.Blackbourne and look seriously into his grey eyes.

"Can we get married?"

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