I'm pregnant

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You knew he didn't want children but he was always so adamant about not using a condom during sex. You explained to him how fertile the women and your family were but he'd go on and on about how he didn't care, that he needed to feel you, all of you. And so you let him. There's consequences of not using safety while having sex, full well knowing that you agreed. You always agreed. You're young and in your early 20s, it was the perfect time for you to get pregnant, but it wasn't the perfect time for him to be a father. That's why with a heavy heart you had to tell him you were pregnant. You had found out 8 weeks ago that you were already a month far long. You'd been keeping this secret and knew of what to expect from Yoongi. He'd be extremely upset ready to leave you alone with a child that you knew you couldn't take care of alone. You wanted to run away, tell him that the relationship was over but then again you knew he'd never let you leave unless he wanted it to be over. So you were stuck, one month pregnant and a boyfriend who showed absolutely no interest in kids.
Today was the day you'd tell Yoongi that you were pregnant. You were expecting for him to storm out so you prepared yourself, you even packed some of your suitcases and was ready to book a flight back home. All you had to do now was wait, wait for him to come home from practice and ruin the rest of his life with devastating news. You had fell asleep on the couch while waiting for him. You heard the door handle being turned and shot up from the couch ready to greet him with a kiss. God you hoped he wasn't in a terrible mood or this would all blow up in your face. Your heart dropped when you saw how tried he looked but you knew regardless you had to tell him. He could tell something was up with how ansty you were. "Is everything okay? You look like you're troubled by something" he asked worryingly. You were debating if wether or not you should just tell him now while you had the chance or sugarcoat it all. You knew he hated when you played around serious subjects so here goes. "I need to talk to you about something actually, I don't really know how you'll react and I'm sure you aren't going to be extremely pleased but it's something that I need to get off my chest." "Go ahead then." He seemed like his patience was running thin, like he was annoyed with you. "Well Yoongi, I'm-" "Pregnant, yeah I know." He said matter-a-factly. You were speechless, shocked really. How did he even know? "I'm so sorry, Yoongi." You wanted to just disappear right then and there leave this painful life. "Why are you sorry? This is something we both contributed to. I could tell something was up with you so I was just waiting for the time for you to tell me yourself." You searched his face to see if there were truth to his words, Yoongi doesn't normally lie about things, unless it has to do with sleep and food, the way he looked at you was nothing short of love. You knew his words had to be true. Why would you think your sweet Suga bear would leave you or make you leave? He's done nothing but help you, housed you and loved you. "I may be busy a lot, but baby we can make this work. It's me and you now. We're in this forever, there's no more petty fights and staying out late. We're parents now and we have responsibilities." He said with a smile. "I love you unconditionally, more than anything in this life , don't ever be afraid to tell me about something that's bothering you. I'm all ears, remember that." "I love you too, I just thought you'd be angry with me." You said nervousness still wracking your brain. "Of course I'm not really ready to have a child but it's something I knew it would happen. I prepared myself, I'm not mad at you, more at myself than anything because I was selfish but there's nothing we can do now. I'm honestly excited to see a mini you and I. I'm sure the boys will be happy to be uncles." Yoongi had so much new found fondness in his eyes. He wasn't exactly ready to be a dad but it was happening regardless and it was happening with the woman he loved. If she was happy he was too.

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