Professor Min 1/

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First year of university. What a pain, and you thought being a freshman in high school was tough. College is a whole different ballgame. Cute guys littered across the campus, pretty girls gossiping about nothing in particular and people damn near running to their next lecture. You looked at your watch, pretty and pink but a little rusted around the hour hand, it was as old as you hmph you really need a new watch. You had an hour to decide what you wanted to do with your extra time of loneliness. Not like you had any friends on campus, this is a completely new city, hell this is a new damn country. Anyways, god you get distracted easily, back to trying to figure out what to do with this newfound time you have on your extremely small chubby hands. There's a new cafe just beside the campus; coffee and a scone sounds great. Or how about a good ole hamburger and fries at 10 am? 'Let's just explore and get familiar with this large campus' you thought to yourself. So off you went to get lost and explore the place you'd call home for 4 years, god willing, if your anxiety doesn't go into overdrive with all these damn people and kill you first. When you said cute boys you weren't kidding, cause damn girl are these boys cute. 'Snap out of it Y/N, you did not come to uni just for one night stands with cute boys, or did you? You know what we might have to re-evaluate why we're even here in the first place. Boy, I sure do talk to myself A LO-'

 "Hey watch were you're going dumb ass." Screamed a strange boy with a extremely~ deep voice. "Um... ahhh s-sorry" 'gosh why do I have to be such a clumsy idiot.' Well you sure are those two things. Whoa, are about... to cry oh come on Y/N. 'Hey you know how sensitive i am brain it's my first year of college i don't have time for bad impressions by someone most likely 3 years my senior.' "Hey, sorry that was my fault, don't feel bad, i'm kinda known for bumping into people accidentally" says the boy with the cat shaped eyes, they were kind of cold but warm at the same time, you wondered if his insides were that way as well. I mean your eyes are the windows to your soul. "No, i'm sorry, um that happens to us all sometimes. Sometimes i get so lost in though i forget my surrounding i apologize, sir." You were so ready to sprint the hell out of there but something was telling you to stay. It was me, i was, i mean the guy IS kinda cute so what if he's older? Older guys can be just as fun. "Well apology accepted, you have a nice morning." The strange man said. Maybe you shouldn't have stared so long and he would have talked to you longer, idiot. Okay so off you went, again to get familiarized with you campus.

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