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"Yeah," Louis sighed, massaging his forehead with one hand, phone pressed to his ear with the other.

"Look, love. What we had was a one night thing. Ya know, to relieve tension? I'm not looking for a relationship so I'm sorry. I don't know who gave you my number and I'd appreciate it if you don't call me again," he said calmy, cutting off the call. These escapades were getting harder to manage. Its not like they happened every week. It was a monthly thing.

And the reason why Louis didn't want to be attached was because he was still confused about his sexuality. He firmly believed he was straight, but once in a blue moon, he would find some guy a tiny bit attractive. He chose to ignore that and focus on the part of him that liked girls. And hence, very occassional sexcapades with different girls outside his college, just to confirm with himself that he was still straight.

Yeah, this sounds messed up.

Louis' doorbell rung, and he glanced at the clock. 5 PM on the dot. He smiled at the punctuality of his best friends, who always crashed at Louis' house after classes just because.

Their second year of college at the UNYC had just begun, with Louis scoring a not so bad grade in his first year, as compared to Niall and Marcel's rave grades.

Louis dragged his sock clad feet to the door and pulled it open, letting his two best friends in. Marcel attacked Louis with a warm hug, and after he regained his breath, Niall much more calmly shook his hand, patting him on the back.

"Hope you ordered pizza," Niall drawled, making a beeline to Louis' couch, making himself at home. Louis rolled his eyes.

"Classes let off early today?" He asked Marcel, as he and Niall had their college classes different days that he did. Today was Louis' off day.

"Yep. Professor called in sick. How are you Lou?" Marcel asked, peering closer at Louis.

"I-I'm good Marce," Louis smiled brightly.

"You know you can tell me anything yeah?" Marcel reminded him, locking their eyes, because he sensed Louis' change in behaviour over the last few weeks. Louis nodded.

"Of course." But of course he won't tell anyone about his experiences, not even his best friend. That was his dirty little secret and his only.

Louis walked over the couch and plopped down, while Marcel was already cuddled up against Niall who was watching the telly.

A while later, all three of them started their usual bickering and chatting, easing into their comfortable routines.

"So, you finally got off your lazy arse and found a job eh?" Niall asked curiously and Louis nodded.

"Um, yeah. The computer repair shop downtown. I mean I never had to go there because I always fix my own computer and that made me apply there. And whaddaya know," Louis shrugged, "I start next week."

"Good for you mate," Marcel said sincerely. At least now Louis will get out of the house more. Ever since Marcel had been in a relationship, he also wanted the same with Louis, who had gotten more and more reclusive over time.

"While we wait for pizza, uh. I actually made some tacos the other day-" Louis began when Niall complained he was hungry.

"As much as I am willing to eat anything, I'm not really fond of contracting food poisoning. So polite pass," Niall remarked cheekily, and Louis snorted but agreed. his cooking skills were not the best.

"But then I'll get to take care of you," Marcel pouted.

Niall laughed, raising his eyebrows. "Didn't think about that," Niall hummed as he lovingly pecked his boyfriend of one year on the lips. Both boys had recently celebrated their one-year anniversary, with Niall taking Marcel back to Ireland to meet his family.

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