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It had been almost a week since the day they turned their social project in. Also the day on which Niall had his outburst with Marcel, the one he can't help but forget about.

Niall always sees the spectacled boy at college, but he somehow manages to avoid him like the plague and vice versa. Both boys are too afriad to face each other, or maybe Marcel just doesn't care, Niall thought. Good riddance.

But still, he couldn't help but think if he had been too harsh when Marcel was just trying to be friendly. Niall regretted his actions, he really did. And he hated to admit it, but the nerd had actually been right. But Niall is just not used to letting anyone in.

Niall felt a bit comfortable around Marcel, and it scared him. When Marcel had asked about why he had been absent from college, --just trying to be friendly because Niall himself has said they are friends now-- Niall had actually wanted to tell him. He felt happy that someone was actually concerned a d wanted to listen.

But the pessimistic side of him got petrified, and of course, forced him to put his walls up. That's how Niall had always been, and introvert. Hence the reason he never had much friends, nor did he or anyone ever made an effort to form friendships.

And why does Niall want to change so much now?

Marcel was the first person who actually attempted to befriend him, and Niall had no idea way. He should have just stopped talking to Niall after their project ended, but he didn't. Marcel still wanted to be friends with... him.

Niall snapped out of his thoughts as he spotted Marcel around campus talking to a few guys, and this time instead of avoiding him, resolutely strode towards him.

"Marcel?" Niall asked softly, who turned around from the group and gave Niall a look of bisbelief.

"Oh, so now you're talking to me again? You better not, seeing that I can accidentally become your friend," Marcel snorted, and Niall rolled his eyes. But Marcel was kinda justified in being mad.

"Look," Niall said, ruffling his hair in frustration. "I guess I was a bit out of line. I said we were friends and yeah, I consider you a friend. I guess it's just... I've never had someone I can share personal suff with and I'm slowly becomin' comfortable around you and that scares me!" Niall blurted out, breathing fast.

He looked up at Marcel (who was noticeably taller than him) who was wearing a surprised expression. "I just- wow. Okay. That explains it. And I understand," Marcel paused, thinking. "I guess I shouldn't have asked such a personal ques-"

"No, no. I was the one who over-reacted," Niall said.

"But I should have-"

"Fucking accept my apology will you!" Niall growled, and Marcel glared at him. The blonde glared back. Marcel sighed.

"Fine. You were wrong and I was right. Happy?"

"Ye- hey!" Niall protested.

Marcel smirked. "That's what you wanted to hear, no?"

Niall scowled. "I guess. But it sounds bad when you say it out loud."

"You're weird."

"Shut up," Niall snapped. "Oh, and," he blushed. "Look. I'm really sorry for acting like an arse all through out the project. I mean, you almost always provoked me but... yeh. So you maybe wanna go to the arcade with me sometime?" Niall asked shyly, then coughed. "So? It's alright if you don't want to. I can ask somebody else," he tagged on nonchalantly.

"Like a date?" Marcel smirked.

Niall eyed him weirdly. "Heck no! I have free coupons. Yes or no? And this is nowhere near a date, nerd. We're friends."

"So, you swing that way huh?" Marcel asked, a glint in his eye.

Niall backtracked, getting defensive. "Yeah, so? What does that matter? You got a problem with that?"

Marcel raised his hands up. "Chill. I'm bi as well."

And Marcel was actually interested in guys, like he was as well? Niall didn't know what to think about that so he just nodded.

"And I was just teasing you Niall. Lighten up a little. And as for the not-date, thank you for the offer. And look forward to it," Marcel grinned toothily, and pushing up his glasses, walked away to his next lecture.

"I have free coupons so.. yeah!" Niall yelled after him, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he scowled, which slowly turned into a smile. He somehow felt lighter, now that Marcel had forgiven him. And believe it or not, he looked forward to this... whatever you want to call it.


D'aww Niall is warming up to Marcy!


Overwhelmed by the response on this book. It ranked #30 in short story and #72 in teen fic yesterday. Thank you. :')

Include #NarcelDate in your chappie if you're looking forward to the next chapter. <3

Goal: can we do that 200 votes thing again? c:

~zarrycupcake x

Nerd Alert! [Narcel]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin