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A few days later, Marcel and Louis ware hanging out like usual in the secluded corner of the library in their free period, and Louis was continuously chattering about how he had managed to work out the goverment computers of the university, and successfully changed the other kid's grades.

"I mean, I know it was a wrong thing to do but who freaking cares! I finally have the money! And, my skills have moved up a notch!" Louis whisper-shouted. Marcel just rolled his eyes.

"Good for you." He had already heard this niety-nine times since yesterday. And now hundred, counting right now. Louis kept repeating in awe, about how his luck fared on his side and he was able to crack the toughest computer and save his dignity and title of The Crack and Hack King. And more than that, he also managed to earn some good hard cash.

No harm done.

Of course, Marcel celebrated with his best friend the first time around, but now he was damn near bored of Louis' constant chattering.

He tuned Louis out, and concentrated on the internal working of the Carnot engine diagram, mouthing and underlining the important labels as he went along.

"Hey, Marce," Louis suddenly nudged him, snapping Marcel out of his concentrated state.

"What?" he sighed.

"Where's that scary blonde guy with the eyeliner, your project partner? I haven't seen him around these few days."

"Who cares," Marcel shrugged. But he actually was curious as to why the punk boy hadn't shown up for classes in these few days. Niall never ever missed a lecture from what Marcel had observed, and also, the time left to complete their social project was slowly dwindling.

Marcel wanted to call the Irish boy, but he didn't have his number. He then thought of asking one of his friends, but he was sure that Marcel was the only one who the punk boy interacted with in this institute, and that too because of their project.

Marcel sighed noisily, shaking his head free from the probing thoughts. He pulled out his project sheet, and under the fourth point of 'is left-handed, like myself' he wrote, 'is very anti-social and mysterious,' then slipped the paper back inside his sociology textbook.

"Uh, hey," both boys looked up to see a guy standing at their table, giving them a dimpled grin.

"Hi...?" Louis trailed off quizzically.

"Which one of you is Louis?" he asked, his voice husky, the good kind.

"Um, that would be me," Louis nodded, nervously biting his lip, wondering as to what the hell this intimidating but attractive guy wanted with him.

The guy flicked his blonde fringe out of his grey eyes. "So you're the famous computer-whiz Louis! I'm Ethan, nice to meet you," he grinned, sticking his hand out, which Louis shook while awkwardly getting out of his chair, flattered by the compliment. Marcel watched on with narrowed eyes.

"And I'm Marcel," he interjected bluntly. "Did you want something from my best friend? We were just going somewhere," he slammed his book shut for emphasis.

Louis shot Marcel a shut the hell up look ---as Louis was sure this Ethan guy would get him some more money-- but Marcel pointedly ignored it. The Ethan guy frowned, then once again grinned, though not so genuinely.

"Cool. I just needed to talk to Louis here about some computer stuff, as he is a damn genius around here!" Louis rolled his eyes, but blushed at that.

"Don't worry, I'll return your friend to you soon enough!" Ethan assured, noticing Marcel's suspicious gaze trained on him. And with that, Ethan dragged a dollar-sign-eyed Louis out of the library. Marcel shook his head, gathering his books. He made a mental note to call his best friend later. He trusted Louis enough to know he won't do something stupid, but it was his job to look out for him like Louis does.


Marcel trudged to the cafeteria, and after purchasing a slice of pizza, plopped down on a grimy table. He thought about finishing his homework, but decided against it. For once, he didn't feel like doing homework. What was wrong with him?!

Marcel's spectacled eyes unintentionally scoped the whole boisterous cafeteria. Who was he even looking for? Niall?

Nah. He was looking for Louis. But he knew that Louis was in the computer lab with that Ethan guy, and in the back of his mind, he knew that he was concerned about where the punk boy had disappeared.

Not worried for his well-being, oh no! Marcel snorted.

"What are we gonna do about this damn project," he grumbled, picking at his food. But he knew he was thinking more about his project partner than the progress of their project, and that scared him.


SUPRISE UPDATE! I had this in my archive folder and had to add a few paragraphs so I decided to post it. I did not, I repeat DID NOT write this right now, as I am waist deep in my studies. I was going through my laptop for a visual video on chemical bonding when I checked my wattpad folder. xD

So, no more updates 'til after my hiatus!


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