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"He what?!" Louis said, his food falling out of his mouth as he was frozen in shock.

"Yeah. Niall asked me out on a date. A real date. And I'm freaking out Lou! Help me!" Marcel pleaded, pushing their books aside, lightly banging his head on the marble.

Both boys were studying together at Louis' flat, right now sitting in front of the kitchen island on which all their books plus leftover chinese boxes were splayed around.

"Are you freaking kidding me Marcy? I was waiting for the idiot to make his move!" Louis stood up excitedly, then pointed his plastic fork at his best friend, smirking. "And I know you must be jumping around inside. Your crush finally asked you on a real date!"

Marcel blushed but nodded in agreement. It was no secret that Marcel had a little crush on Niall when he had met him, but now when their friendship was so strong, suffice to say his little crush had grown into something big.

His was the typical cliché hate transforms into not-hate case.

He hated how he felt like a typical schoolgirl with a crush on his friend but has to hide it because he knows the other doesn't feel the same way.

And Marcel knows Niall would never feel the same way. The blonde is very adept at hiding his emotions. And plus, all his romantic teasing is just for his entertainment. Marcel knows that much. And it sucks. It really sucks hiding his feelings.

Louis begs to differ, and has this wild theory that Niall is crazy for Marcel. And Marcel says that just because Niall is gay, doesn't mean he'll have a crush on his only friend.

But they were all grown men here. So he has to learn to hide his petty feelings up. This was just a friendly date, and Niall had only suggested it to get matchmaker Louis off their backs.

"But when's the big date?" Louis asked, adjusting his glasses.

"Tonight," he mumbled, showing Louis, Niall's text.

Louis clapped and squealed like a twink, throwing his food aside and reaching for Marcel's arm. "Let's get you ready for tonight then!"

"But Lou! I didn't bring any of my clothes at your house!" Marcel pointed out as he stumbled, trying to keep up with an energetic Louis pulling him to his bedroom.

"Nonsense. You won't be going on this date in your clothes. You need a change of style my friend."


"Just trust me!" Louis huffed, setting Marcel down on his bed as he opened his closet door, expertly plowing through his clothes.

Marcel eyed him. "Why are you so excited for this?"

Louis turned around, clothes in hand, smiling softly. "Because you're my best friend Marce. And I want to see you happy." The feather haired boy tossed his choice of clothes on the bed, taking a seat beside Marcel, who leaned his head on Louis' shoulder.

"I'm kinda scared," Marcel mumbled in Louis' neck. Marcel was scared that he would come on too strong and Niall would reject him. That was his biggest fear. But Niall asking him out on the date gave him a little hope.

"Don't be. Niall seemed scary before, but now he's a pretty okay guy. And I know why you're scared Marce. Trust me. That guy has feelings for you. Just-"

"No Louis. He doesn't-"

"You'll find out tonight either way. Stop being pessimistic. Now shoo!" Louis hauled him towards the bathroom. "Go wash your hair."

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