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After all his classes were finally over, Niall rode his motorbike through the afternoon New York traffic back to his rented apartment. He grimaced at being in the presence of his stoner room mate again.

As much as Niall despised being near people let alone live with them, fate had made it so that Niall not only had to live with a room mate in a shitty, cramped apartment; he had to endure living with a sex-crazy, hippie stoner.

He was seriously considering just living in a cardboard box under the NYC subway, but then again, this is better than nothing.

Niall has studied with his blood, sweat and tears to get in to this university, and he is not going to let his living conditions come in the way of his studies again.

He has overcame financial problems once, he will overcome them again. And make his parents back in Ireland proud, (as this is all mostly for them) along with proving the shitheads who think he's a no-good punk, wrong.

Niall parked his bike inside the shared garage of the tiny apartment complex, and took off his helmet, ruffling his hair. Tucking it under his arm, he dismounted his bike.

"Hey Nialler!" A voice chirped, along with the sound of something metal clanging and things falling to the floor of the garage, followed by cussing.

Rolling his eyes, Niall turned his body towards the source of the sounds, lifting an eyebrow when he saw the lanky figure of his room mate Ian leaning against the pile of junk in the garage, eyeing Niall with a wobbly smile on his thin lips.

Oh man. Good thing Ian wasn't gay, or else Niall was done with living here.

"Hey," Niall murmured, cutting past Ian, and started mounting the stairs to the second floor apartment.

Ian laughed shakily, running a hand through his long blonde hair. "N-niall! Your room's a bit messy! Sorr-"

Niall was back down in a second, pinning Ian to the wall with his shirt clenched in his fists. "What. The. Fuck. Were. Ya. Doin'. In. My. Room?"

Ian gulped, his terrified grey eyes locked with Niall's burning blues. "I-I-I just wanted a-a-"

"WHAT?! Didn't we fucking agree that my room was fucking off limits?!" Niall seethed, his pale face now red. This fucker has now pushed him to the edge. You do not enter Niall Horan's room without permission. Hell, you never enter Niall's room.

"Sorry man! Your bro wanted help! It was an emergency!" Ian whined, squirming under Niall's strong grip.

"What the fuck was so important?"

"I just needed some condoms man!"

"Why the hell would I have those?" Niall scoffed. But he indeed had an extra large box hidden under his sock drawer for a rainy day.

Ian didn't say anything, just eyed Niall dubiously. The blonde sighed and let his apartment mate go.

Why do you act like an ass? The nerd's question suddenly rang in Niall's mind. Why does he act like an ass? He just simply gives everyone the treatment they give him.

But Ian hasn't been anything but nice to Niall since he moved in with him. He's been trying not to bother Niall against his nosey nature, and today, he really needed help so he had no choice but to enter Niall's forbidden zone.

Maybe Niall has been a bit too harsh on his apartment mate.

"Yeah, whatever," Niall sighed, and bolted up the stairs, Ian timidly following behind. Wordlessly, Niall went in his room and seconds later, returned with the condom box in his hands.

"Here," he shoved it in Ian's hands, who cheered.

"Thanks mate, you just saved me a trip to the supermart! That lady at the check out aisle always gives me the stink eye whenever I buy more condoms like she's my mum or something and the Tanya's 'bout to be here..." Ian kept rambling as he backed inside his room.

Niall chuckled and proceeded into his own room. He kicked off his boots and collapsed on the bed, his body suddenly weighing a ton due to how tired he was feeling.

Niall folded his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling littered with his posters, thoughts of today swirling around in his mind.

Maybe a nap wouldn't kill him, he thought as a yawn escaped his mouth. He would just finish his homework later, 'cause he always does it.

Niall vaguely registered the sound of the front door opening, followed by girly giggles. Well, looks like Ian's company is here.

Niall hurriedly plugged in his earphones, hoping to shut off the noise before it starts.

This was actually the first time Niall had helped out his apartment-mate, after living with him for more than two weeks. And maybe Niall could actually learn to tolerate Ian. 'Cause that is what his apartment-mate also does. Tolerate Niall's attitude.

Maybe Marcel was right, Niall thought. Maybe Niall acts too much like an arse sometimes. Not everyone deserves his shitty attitude. 'Cause not everyone is the same.

And Marcel sure is completely different, Niall thought with a smile. As much as he thought the nerd would be unbearable, he surprisingly wasn't. Niall always found himself laughing --something he rarely does-- at the nerd's pissed off expressions and witty remarks.

Niall secretly admired the fact how Marcel is so independent. But of course Niall will never say it out loud.

And of course, it was surely unusual how they both had almost all the facts they shared about themselves similar.

Including the way they percieve society.

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