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"Good morning class," Ms. Asher greeted as she walked into the seminar hall, her grey eyes sweeping over the students seated, some glancing at her boredly and some interested.

After giving a low-down on what was to be studied next, Ms. Asher smirked as she clasped her hands together.

"Oh, and I think today's the day I asked for the social project results, am I right?" she said, and collective groans rang out through the room.

"Alright, everyone submit their papers by ny desk by the end of class. I expect you all must have participated actively?"

She was met with silence. Marcel turned around as he felt eyes on his back, and was met with a smirking punk boy, and he couldn't help but shyly smile back, quickly turning around as he hid a blush. Marcel scolded himself for behaving like a school-girl with a crush. Niall was just being friendly.

"Okay then," Ms. Asher said awkwardly. "But let me tell you this. Many of you must have thought that this project was a bit childish but admit it. It benefitted you, didn't it? And you all learned some valuable lessons," Ms. Asher smirked, glancing in the direction of Marcel, who was listening to the teacher intently, realizing how right she was. Everyone murmured.

"And that's why this was important to conduct at the start of the semester!" The pixie-like teacher grinned. "And now, back to our lecture..."


"So boys. What do you think about my little project now? Do you think you'll pass?" the red haired teacher asked Marcel as he returned his paper, Niall beside him, who smirked.

"Oh, yeah. I'm damn sure you'll be giving us As. Right, Marcy?" Niall teased, and Marcel rolled his eyes, then smiled at his teacher.

"Yeah, I think we did well. Thanks for this, ma'am. I guess," Marcel said, biting his lip. Ms. Asher nodded with a smile, dismissing both the boys. She smirked knowingly as the two bickering boys exited her class, because she could already see a strong friednship beginning to blossom. Those two were like fire and rain, but still, alike. Just like fire and water are both elements.


This project wasn't too bad afterall, eh?" Marcel nudged Niall as they made their way out of their class, and the tattooed boy rolled his eyes, smiling lightly.

"Yeah, I guess. You're not that bad, nerd," Niall said teasingly. "I mean, thanks," Niall said softly, and Marcel frowned.

"What for?"

"For making me see brighter I guess. That not everyone sticks to their stereotypes and shit. And thanks for not just getting fed up with me and actually talking to me," Niall said shyly and Marcel blinked, then placed a hand on his heart.

"Why, thank you! I'm touched. And you're not that scary though," Marcel laughed.

"And you're adorable," Niall said, making Marcel choked, his cheeks heating up.


Niall shrugged lazily, his hands stuffed in his pockets. "What? Can't I say anything nice?" he drawled, and Marcel gulped, then composed himself.

"Yeah, um sure," he said, suddenly very flustered and self conscious. Niall Horan was indeed a very confusing bloke. One day he was moody and PMSing, and then the next day, he was all cheery and teasing and calling Marcel 'cute', and also being very heart-felt.

"Well thanks," Marcel blushed. Niall was in one of his good moods today, so Marcel decided to ask the question that had been bugging him for days. "So, um, Niall?" he asked tentatively, as they walked past the campus garden.

Niall raised an eyebrow in response.

"Are we friends now?" Marcel asked softly, twiddling his fingers, and Niall shrugged.

"Sure, yeah."

Marcel grinned, but then braced himself and asked the next question. Yes, their social project was over but still, these questions were on Marcel's mind. "Are you, er, okay now? I mean, you had been absent from college and-"

"Dont," Niall snarled, putting his walls up.

"What is up with you?" Marcel asked incredulously, frustrated. I mean, Marcel gets that it's a personal question, but still, Niall could have just answered with a 'can't tell' or something.

"What?" Niall turned serious, defiant.

"I mean, one day you're acting all friendly and happy, and the next you're all moody and picking a fight with me, avoiding me," Marcel huffed. "And now, when you say we're friends, I'm just a least bit concerned about you, and you just start to shut me out!"

"So, I can't be happy?" Niall growled, slamming Marcel to the wall, who gasped in shock. They kept glaring at each other, and Marcel's heart sped up when he registered the position they were in, Niall's hot breath fanning his face, pressing him tightly against the wall. Marcel then snapped out of it.

"N-no! See what I mean!" he roughly pushed Niall off. "You're always trying to pick a fight when I'm just trying to be nice!"

"Of course I'm gonna pick a fight if you'll be fucking ridiculous!" Niall snarled.

"I'm being ridiculous?! You're being ridiculous when I'm just trying to get through to you!" Marcel yelled. They were attracting attention now, but he could care less. This guy was frustrating and impossible! Looks like all the effort made through their social project had just went down the drain.

"Why the fuck are you trying to do that?!" Niall asked, breathing heavily.

"What? Trying to break through your walls? I feel like someone should," Marcel said softly, completely changing the atmosphere. People dissipated, realising that there were no chances for a brawl now, while some hung back in hopes of witnessing a make-out session.

"Why?" Niall croaked.

Marcel smiled. "You need a friend, Niall. A true one. And I can be that friend, but you're not letting me. See you around. It was nice working on the project with you," Marcel said with a small smile, then walked away, catching up to Louis, who was standing in the distance, watching his best friend and the punk boy interact.

Niall blinked, trying to make sense of Marcel's words. And he couldn't help but feel happy because of what the spectacled boy had said.

What Marcel had said to Niall was sadly, all true. And the blonde hated that.


Dedicated to @hazmaster for the snazzy new cover! ^_^

And whoa! Sexy Narcel moment! The action has started! :D

#SexyNarcel if you liked this update.

Goal: 200 votes? :3

Next chapter: More cute Narcel moments.

I'm so happy that you guys are loving this book so much! The prequel is twice as popular than the original book. xD

~zarrycupcake xx

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