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The blonde raised his eyebrows in surprise at the other boy's retort, and before he could shoot a comeback of his own, their professor stormed in the seminar hall, coffee in hand, looking a bit frazzled.

"I'm sorry I'm late class! Haha, late on the forst day. Stupid traffic," the young teacher huffed, setting his things down on the wooden podium. Why does everyone in big cities lead such busy lives? Marcel wondered.

The class eventually quieted down, and the teacher shot everyone a smile as he walked to the front of the hall, awkwardly smoothing down his shirt and tie, and his wind-swept blonde hair.

"Good morning class. I'm Professor Austin Brooks, your Mechanics teacher for this semester. Now, this year, we have a lot on our schedule. And..." Marcel momentarily tuned the teacher out, glaring at the side profile of the blue-eyed boy sitting next to him. He gave off that rude vibe, and Marcel didn't like him one bit.

Oh, well. It's not like they're going to be forced to be best friends or anything.

"Marce!" Marcel felt a flick on his shoulder.

"What, Lou?"

"Stop burning holes in the weird guy's head," Louis laughed in amusement. Marcel just rolled his eyes, focusing his attention back to Mr. Brooks.


Class finally ended, and Marcel was ecstatic to go home and run over what they studied, and of course, finish the assigned homework and a week's ahead too if he felt like it.

Louis got out of his seat, waiting for Marcel. The spectacled boy gathered his books and stood up from his seat to follow his friend, and they both walked to their next class together, Statistics.

Marcel and Louis located the seminar hall in which their next class would take place, and were about to go in when Marcel's path was intercepted by a familiar purplish-blonde haired boy. Marcel audibly groaned, and icy blue eyes glared at him.

"You're in this class too?" Marcel whined, much like a little kid. Amusement shone in the blonde's eyes, before they switched back to anger.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that, loser?" Tattoo boy sneered, unintentionally getting into Marcel's personal space. Now, Marcel sensed that this weirdo was the type of guy who loved to pick fights for no damn reason, and was easily tempted. And, it was Marcel's nature to whine and bitch, and rile people up by pestering them.

Boy, these two should not be near each other.

"Yeah, I got a problem. Look who's talking, loser-er," Marcel shot back, crossing his arms defiantly, and Louis supressed a giggle at his best friend's silly comeback. But Louis suddenly became wary when he noticed the scary blonde's stance. Uh, oh.

"Um, Marcel. Let's um. The class is 'bout to begin," Louis tugged at his friend's shoulder, who was busy having a glaring match with the punk boy. Oh, how Marcel hated people like him. Those who think they can walk all over Marcel 'cos he seems like a vulnerable nerd.

"No, wait a sec Louis. People like him should now that not everyone is scared of you just 'cos you decide to get your skin ruined and wear black clothes," Marcel remarked, and smirked then the saw the blonde trying to control his anger, glaring daggers at him.

Before Louis could say anything, the blonde took a step forward, and Marcel stepped back humorously, unafraid. He could see the punk boy was getting riled up. Marcel had hit a nerve.

By now, some students had gathered, and were looking on at the scene for a chance to catch a possible scuffle. Some even began to cheer, and that's when the teacher appeared to her class, chancing upon the scene.

"What's going on here?!" she demanded in shock, and her eyes instantly zeroed in on the two tense boys, one, glaring, and the other, smirking tauntily.

"I can sense a fight here and I would not tolerate that. You two, inside the class. NOW!" Ms. Asher yelled, and both boys finally broke their murderous stares, grudgingly following their teacher inside. Ms. Asher ordered both boys to follow her to the front, but the blonde snorted, making his way to his seat, but the young teacher's glare stopped him.

"Now, would anyone like to explain to me what was going on outside?" she demanded, crossing her arms as she stood behind the podium.

"The nerd and the punk dude were gonna fight!" Someone called from the back, and everyone started to put their word in.

"QUIET! Why were you two fighting?" Ms. Asher asked the two boys, who were still standing at the door.

"He was calling me a loser!" Marcel called out childishly, pouting.

"He being fucking rude to me!" Tattooed boy spat, and then both boys started bickering.

The teacher shook her head, a small smile on her lips. She could easily see what was going on here.

"You two, go and take your seats. Now class," the red haired teacher clasped her hands together. "I know that we are supposed to study Statistics today, but with this attitude," she gestured in the direction the two boys were sat (far apart), "we can't continue. So, we're going to do a bit of a social project, as well to solve this."

Collective groans sounded throughout the room.

"This social project will hopefully benefit you all, and by the end of this semester, you will all end up with better or new friendships," the smiling teacher finished, looking around the dead silent class.

"Let's begin. Partner up with the person sitting two seat across from you," Ms. Ahser smirked, as more students groaned. She quickly noted down the names as students paired up, then turned to the previously bickering boys.

"Oh, and," Ms. Asher consulted her student list. "Marcel Styles and... Niall Horan," she looked back up with a smirk. "You two will be partners for this project, obviously."


Shit is bout to go down, hehe! Next chapter we'll find out what this "social project" is all about.

~bemycupcake xx

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