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Step 2: Start accepting yourself for who you are

You are who you are and you are beautiful because of that. Sadly, most people don't agree with that. Maybe it's because you have scars or are a little overweight or you just don't think the same way they do.

You need to work on accepting yourself, just the way you are, because it's so important for all the other things in life, like for example to have a healthy self-confidence or to actually love yourself.

I know it's hard, it's really hard and there is probably always going to be something about yourself, that you just don't like. But you need to accept it anyway.

Of course you can grow and evolve, but you can't change who you are and pretending to be someone you are not, doesn't help you either.

It really makes things easier in the end, trust me, I have been through this. I know a lot about myself by now, but I am still working on figuring myself out and I guess that will never stop. However, I know what's important to me and what will make me happy.

I wish I could tell you, what's the easiest way to do this, but I can't, because I don't know. What I know is, that you have to give it time. You can't accept yourself overnight, it just doesn't work that way. Don't stress yourself into anything.

Never forget, that you are who you are and that you are beautiful because of that. Everyone is different and unique and that's more important, than most people understand.

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