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Step 1: Appreciation of the little things

Never forget to show gratitude and appreciation for the little things and people in your life.

A few months ago, I woke up and I was just really sad and confused and on my way to school, someone greeted me with a smile. And that just made my day. The world instantly felt not that heavy anymore.

So, please guys, start smiling at strangers and friends more often. The truth is, you never know what someone is really going through and a smile can change their day.

However, what I am trying to say here is that little gestures, like a smile or a little gift from a friend, are so important and you should never start taking these for granted. Because it's something special.

I think that a lot of people often forget about the importance of the little things, when they are technically and literally the things that make life worth living.

You are automatically a happier person, when you start seeing and appreciating the little things in life, because the truth is life is made of those.

Please never forget to see them and to give them back in return.

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