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Hanna's POV

I stare at the message, confused. What the hell does it mean?? He's not who you think he is?? What does that mean!? I finally fall asleep at around 1 am, but I'm woken up by my phone chiming.

Hey Han, meet at the abandoned playground by Riverwood Street, 11 am? We need to talk.
-- C

I look at the message wondering if I should go. I'm still a little creeped out, I mean, why did he randomly just appear back in my life? What does he really want? The Caleb I used to know wasn't like this...


I replied, then got ready for the day. I put on a pair of shorts and a crop top. with a simple bracelet, long earrings, and simple makeup. I went outside and got some orange juice, and toast.

"Hey Spence" I say.

"Morning Han!" She said. "So what are you going to do today?"

"I'm meeting up with Caleb later, then I dunno, maybe some shopping?" I say, "I'll text you guys."

Spencer seemed shocked or surprised. Was it because of Caleb? I don't know.

I checked my phone, for messages and stuff, then I went out and started going to the park.

When I arrived Caleb wasn't there yet, so I walked over to the swings, there was another rose and Caleb was here.

2nd bench to the right of your favorite place to sketch outfits.
I'll be waiting. xx

My favorite place to sketch outfits? Well.. maybe it's by the gardens? There are benches there right...? I grabbed a taxi and went there.

Hmmm, second bench to the right... I looked around, there were tons of benches, but no Caleb. I continued walking into the gardens. I spotted the big fountain that was in the middle of the gardens, I would usually sit there and sketch, so I looked around... 2nd bench to the right... Caleb! I walked over to him.

"Hey." I said.

"Hanna!" He stood up and hugged me. I wanted him to let go, I don't know why, it's just this feeling. It seems like Caleb has totally changed, yet he doesn't seem like a stranger to me...

"You want a milkshake?" He said.

I just noticed that Caleb had a vanilla milkshake next to him on the bench.

"Oh um sure?" I said.

"Great! I'll get you one now, I recently found a new milkshake bar, I.Love.It!" He said, "The best one i've ever had!"  Then he took a sip from his milkshake. And smiled at me.

"I thought you hated milkshakes!" I blurted out without even thinking. "You told me that one time, my mom made milkshakes and gave one to you."

"What do you mean Hanna?" He said in a strange tone. "I've always loved milkshakes!" and he smiled a big smile.

WHaT? I was creeped out. I know this may be way off, and i've probably gone crazy but....

"When we first met, when you lived in my basement, you were taking a shower and my mom came in. What happened again?" I suddenly asked, this was something only Caleb would know. I've never told anyone.

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