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Caleb's POV

It's been 2 days. I've tried Calling Hanna, texting her. Nothing. I don't know where she went. I don't know what I did. My life's just been a mess these past few weeks. With Jordan in jail, I thought my life could finally go back to normal. I could be with Hanna again, but no. She left me this time. And I don't know if she's ever gonna come back. And now, all I can do is hope.

I called the girls, and Toby and Ezra to come over. I had to find Hanna.

At 2 everyone was now sitting in my living room

"So what did you want to tell us Caleb? " Toby asked.

"And where's Hanna?" Followed Emily

"That's the same question i've been repeatedly asking myself for the past two days." I said, then sighed.

"What?" They all asked.

"Well..." I recounted all the events that happened that night Hanna....left. I told them how I've tried calling her, to find out where she was, asking if she was okay. I even tried calling Mona to see if Hanna's gone there, but she didn't answer.

Everyone sat there in silence for a while, until Alison finally spoke...

"Oh wow, I'm not sure if this would help but you know when Hanna and I went out shopping, she was fine at the start, but then she received a text, and instantly turned strange, and left."

"What?!" I exclaim."Do you know what the text said?? W-why she turned strange??" My head was full of even more questions now, what was that text?? What happened?

"I-i don't know." Alison said, "sorry.

"It's not your fault Ali, you couldn't have known." Emily said and held her hand.

"Have you tried to track her phone?" Ezra asked.

"No, not yet."

"Well do it!" Ezra exclaimed.

And so I did, we spent the rest of the afternoon trying to track Hanna. We were all worried.

Many hours later...

"I can't track her phone," I said. "It must be dead, or she switched it off, or else I would have been able to track her quick.

"Are you sure?" Spencer asked me.


Where the hell are you Hanna?

Hanna's POV

I rented a motel room for me to stay, at least for now. I don't know where to go. I can't go back to Caleb or tell my friends. I couldn't go to Mona. My mom's away, and she wouldn't understand. I rented this under the name Katherine Swifte, so no one could track me. My phone was dead. Great.

"Package for Ms. Swifte" I heard someone say outside my door.

I opened the door, and someone was standing there with a bouquet of roses.

"Thank you." I said, and took the flowers. I walked over to my bed, and put the roses down. How did anyone find me? I opened the envelope that came with the roses.

Inside, I pulled out a plane ticket to London, England. And with it my passport, and a note.

I think you know what to do. You're a smart girl Hanna.

Now once you're gone don't come back. I'll be watching you, and if you think you're gonna escape, you won't or else little Caleb. Dies.

I stared at the note, holding my passport and plane ticket on my other hand. I don't know how he got my passport, but if I don't leave Caleb will die. And I love Caleb too much to let this person kill him. So I packed up my things and got ready to leave the next day. I cried myself to sleep that night. I wasn't ever gonna see Caleb or my friends again. I'll have to start up a new life away from Caleb.


Sorry this is such a short chapter. Next will be longer, and also there will be a long time gap, because I don't know how else i'm gonna continue this. There will be way more Haleb after!

610 Words

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