It's just the beginning

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Hanna's POV

It was 9am I finally managed to get some sleep, after that creepy night/morning.
I put the rose on my bedside table. I admit it had creeped me out a bit, but somehow I still felt like I needed it by my side.

I changed and went outside to get some breakfast. Of course Spencer was already up.
"Hey!" I said.
"Morning!" She exclaimed.
I got some pancakes and after we ate there was another knock on the door, just like the one yesterday.
"Who is it?" Spencer asked as she started walking to the door.
"No!" I scream jumping to stop her,
"What!?" Spencer exclaimed, as she's pushed back.
"I'll take it" I said embarrassed.

I open the door and looked around. No one. Just like yesterday. But on the floor there was another rose, and on top of it a small note.

I missed you Han.
Did you miss me?

I stared at the note while I picked up the second rose I was just about to close the door when I swear I saw someone in a black hoodie run past. But it couldn't be! No it can't be. I stood by the door in shock.

"Who is it?" Spencer asked.
"Han? Hanna?"

I didn't say anything.

"Hanna!?" Spencer was almost shouting now. She went over to me, and screamed
"Hello?? Earth to Hanna!"

That's when I snapped back to reality.

"Huh? What?" I said looking around.

"What just happened?" Spencer asked.
She closed the door and helped me over to the couch.

I was about to tell Spencer about the whole Caleb or C thing, I was still really creeped out and scared.
Suddenly I noticed a note stuck behind Spencer on a vase.

Don't tell anyone or else.

I gasp.
"Hanna!?" Spencer exclaimed, she jumps next to me.
"Are you okay??"

"Ye-yeah" I said "I just want to be alone." I whispered, and walked over to my room.
Spencer didn't say anything.

Spencer's POV what the hell just happened?? Hanna said nothing is going on but I know she's hiding something from me. Maybe someone is threatening her? I know her well enough to know that she's not okay. I need to find out what it is, Hanna needs someone by her side right now.

Hanna's POV
I sat on my bed, shocked about what happened. I was scared by the roses now and had stuffed them in a drawer, along with the notes. Who's sending me all this!? Suddenly my phone chimes.

Don't be scared Hanna. I just want to protect you.
I love you.
-- C

I stare at the message in shock. Who is C? Is he Caleb? If he is why now and why this?
I decide that I needed some fresh air, I walk outside to find a note.
'Not again...' I thought.
I read the note:

Just left with Toby, I'll be back tonight.

Oh thank god, it was just Spencer. I walked outside and started walking. I wasn't sure where but I was just walking, faster and faster like I was scared and needed to run away. It felt like I wasn't even in control of my legs. Slowly I started to run, faster and faster. I still wasn't sure where I was going. Until finally I started to slow down. I was in a random alleyway, it was dark and scary. Then suddenly I burst into tears. I sat down on the ground and started crying my heart out. I'm not sure why. Was it because I broke up with Jordan? Was it because I was scared? Was it because I missed Caleb too? Too many feelings were swirling around in my head. Just then I felt a piece of paper land on my hand. I sniffed and wiped away my tears. I picked up the note...

Don't cry Han. I'll always be here for you.

Rose petals started falling from the sky, I guess that was the rose for this note. I left the note and rose on the floor and started walking away. A piece of paper fell on me again. The same note, it seems to be following me. Why? I picked it up and put it in my pocket. Did he want me to have it? I started walking again, but after I while I noticed that there were rose petals on the ground going like a path. I don't know why but I followed it. I walked for so long it seemed like I was going to collapse. Until finally the rose petal path stopped.
I was at the beach!? Wait a second.. I recognized this beach it's where I last saw Caleb... and it also where I just saw CALEB!?

Spencer's POV
I was in the middle of my date with Toby when I noticed that I left my wallet! Stupid me. I rushed back to my apartment to get my wallet. Hanna wasn't there, maybe she went out. I'm a bit worried, hopefully she's okay. I searched everywhere for my wallet I couldn't find it, wait! I think it might be in Hanna's room so I went in to look for it. 'Wow her room is messy' I thought. Haha classic Hanna. I look through all the drawers to find my wallet.
'What?' I thought as I opened the drawer in Hanna's bedside table. There were 2 roses and 2 notes. I know I really shouldn't be snooping but maybe it would tell me why she's been so scared! I read the notes...

I missed you Han.
Did you miss me?

To my love:
Happy Birthday

I was so confused. What the hell were these notes and what do they mean? Is Hanna threatened by them? Who sent them? I had so many questions that I had no answers to when a phone chimed. I checked my phone. Wasn't me. I look around, Hanna's phone. I guess she left her phone here. Or did she? Where did Hanna go? I was seriously worried. And I know I shouldn't be snooping but I had to see. So I checked her phone:

Hey Han, sorry things went bad with us. Hope we can still be friends? And happy belated birthday.

Just a message from Jordan. But I looked up, she had an unknown number! I'm probably a terrible friend from looking at her phone but I looked at her messages with this unknown person...

Happy Birthday Han.

Oh Hanna always awake in midnight. I guess you're still the girl I knew!

Don't be scared Hanna. I just want to protect you.
I love you.
-- C

Caleb? But why would Caleb be saying these things. I think I know why Hanna is scared. I used my phone to take pictures of the messages and notes and sent them to Aria, Emily, Alison, Toby, and Ezra.

Hanna's been hiding something I think she's scared and I think I know why...
Meet at The Pop in 10

Hanna's POV
"Hanna!" He turned and smiled at me. Yup it was Caleb.
I stood in shock not knowing what to say.
"C-Caleb?" I said
"Yes. How have you been? I missed you so much, I couldn't stop thinking about you for years! I can't believe we're finally together. I love you so much Hanna." He said

I didn't even have time to say anything. He leaned in and almost kissed me, but I managed to push him away.
"What the hell Caleb!!!?" I screamed.
He stepped forward instead of backwards.

What!? I was so shocked. What happened to Caleb??

I hope you liked this chapter guys! And I've decided to keep it kind of mysterious and I will be collabing with ByAuggie for the chapters! But when I start to write just me I'll tell you guys.

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