32. Danger

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I am tapping my foot in agitation and I draw on my lip. I look around trying to pierce through the dark windows in the alley but it's pointless. I shouldn't have agreed to this meeting in such a secluded location but my informer wouldn't come otherwise. I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves.

I got what I wanted. Clarence promoted me to the KWSC select investigative team after I exposed the Senator. It was the Senator's affection for cocaine and ketamine and it resulted in him being charged. Overnight I became a media sensation. The Senator scandal was featured in the national network and I have given many interviews. Now, I choose my own stories, I have my own schedule and an assistant. Hooray?

I managed to expose it because one day I found what I needed right on my doorstep. Literally. Along with newly installed door, an alarm system and bulletproof glass. I am suspecting Stig but I can't be sure. I know it was all Girard still looking after me. I never got any calls or threats or even stinky glances my way. I am guessing he is behind that too.

I tried to call him after that morning to ask him to forgive me. I panicked when Jason showed up. But it's not that what was going on between us was clear. I wasn't sure I wanted the world to know and I wasn't sure he wanted anyone to know. When I saw him eye Jason as if he was soon to be dead before throwing me one last, disappointed look, I know I have messed things up.

I wanted to explain myself but he never answered. I wanted to tell him that it was not whatever he thought this was. But he never answered any of my calls. Not even Lysa could get him to answer that phone and Ava was simply furious with him. I even went to the clubhouse a few times but he was nowhere to be seen, openly avoiding me.

So screw him if he is so freaking stubborn. I don't need him and everything is OK. I've made it, I have all that I have been fighting for all my life. I am respected and up for several awards, sought after by major networks. I got all I worked hard for. Then why the hell do I still have this rotten taste on my lips? Because of him.

"Damn it!" I hiss and I check my phone.

This time I have told both Jason and Clarence about the meeting and they expect my call in ten minutes. I couldn't risk them being close but I was not going in totally unprepared. I need to keep my head in the game. The man I am meeting has information for me for airport officers smuggling drugs so this is big. No place for distracting thoughts.

But I can't stop thinking about Girard. Every other minute, one memory of the precious few moments we shared hits me right in the stomach. The night we spent in my house was so absolutely perfect. It was not just sex. First of all, it can never be "just sex" with a force of nature like him. Mindblowing experience? Yes. Ruining it for every male on Earth? Absolutely. But it was more than that. We talked about everything once more, we argued about books, he even joked in that strict way of his. It was... more.

Ironhand (Riders Of Tyr #5 - MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now