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"Baby where are you going?" Xukun asked you as you saw him outside of your apartment.

"I'm visiting a friend." You told him.

"Who? Why all of a sudden? Why do you have so many fruits?"

"Aack, because he's sick." You told him

"your friend is a HE?"

"Yeah, don't worry, nothing will happen. I'm only visiting." You replied.

You were about to call for a taxi when Xukun stopped you. "Tell me, you're visiting Fan Cheng Cheng right?"

You stood in silence.

"Look, Xukun. I'm only there to visit since I was the one who made him catch a flu, he pretty much gave his jacket when he fetch me up and did honestly good things to me and when we were locked on the stadium he—"

You were cutted as he gave you a 3 seconds peck in your forehead.

He hugged you tightly and whispered "I'm going with you."

"Uh." You blushed, unknowingly.

"It's okay, And It's better to stay here. You and Cheng are not in good terms so."

He sighed and finally gave up. "Okay just call me when something bad happens."

He called you a taxi and you bid goodbye.

While on the way, you felt your heart beating faster.

'What the fudge? It's only a friendly kiss and he do it all the time' You thought to yourself.


Few minutes later, you arrived to your destination and woah, Cheng Cheng's house is really big— More like a mansion.

You paid for the bill and went to the guard in Chengcheng's gate.

"Hello, I'm here for Cheng." You said.

"Oh? You must be Miss Y/N? " The guard asked.

You startled. How did he know you when It's your first time here? "Uhh yep."

"Well okay, let me assist you towards the door."

"No, Mister It's really okay hehe."

"No, It's fine. It's Mr. Chengcheng's orders."

You gave up and followed him. What the?

Once you entered the house, you were greeted by maids and such.

"Hello, Miss Y/N." They greeted as you entered.

Seriously, how did they know about you?!

Later then, his mom went towards you and you greeted her politely.

"Miss Y/N! We were expecting you so much! And oh, let me help you with the fruits. You bring so many!"

The maids helped you with your fruits, you insisted at first but then you can't do anything about it.

"Come on, let me guide you to his room."

You followed her mom, she's quiet nice.

"You know, he always talks about you a lot in our family dinners, shows photos of you and how much he adores you."

'Really? He's so mean how could he adore me lol' You thought.

And you stepped before his mom.

"Chengcheng do not allow anyone to enter his room."

"Not even his friends?" You asked.

"Not even his friends. We only sneak in to clean it but other than that, no one can enter so you're basically the first one."

She giggled. "Call me if you need anything and.... she whispered something. "He'll fall deeper for you when he knows you're here."

"Bye, see you later and Enjoy!" She went off by your sight.

You were hesitating whether to go or not, but you just went for it.

You opened the door.

"Fudge. Here we go."

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