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"Oh hey Xukun! You're quiet early in the event huh?" Ivy said as he saw Xukun on the entrance of the event.

"Yeah, Y/N scolded me to be early here bla bla and I see you are putting all the banners by yourself?" Xukun said.

"Yup. Qin Fen said he'll be here at any time to help but he freaking said he left his shades on his house so he fricking came back."

"Aw. Haha, anyways what can I help?" Xukun asked.

"Nothing, you can go rest for awhile. 1000 different visitors will come to the venue and they are elite visitors so be sure not to do anything to yourself."

Ivy setted the stairs onto the wall and started crawling up.

Xukun went near the stairs and thankfully, he's just in time when Ivy fell off.

"Hey I think you should get some rest. I'll get help with my friends."

Xukun assisted Ivy to rest and picked up his phone to make a call to his friends.

Meanwhile, You just arrived with Chengcheng and other dudes.

Chengcheng putted his arms on your shoulders but you elbowed him. "Stop. We are not close"

"We'll be soon" he winked "HEYYYY JUSTIN!"

You rolled your eyes. Every time he's near you just roll your eyes like dude.

You went to Ivy who is in there— frozen from her own seat.

"What the? Ivy are you okay?"

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH" she said and ran off the whole venue.

You gave her a 'w-t-f look'

"Hey what happened?" You asked her.

"Xukun saved me and like girl he's way too hot , get him already while my feelings are not there yet!" she whispered

You chuckled. "No, I thought of him as a bestfriend and only a best friend. Maybe you can get him lol hahaha."

"Nah let's see about that."

"Wait let me go talk for him for a second." You said and went to Xukun.

"Yes baby?" He said.

"Uhm, I will be going home later because I'm going to get my camera equipments for personal use and all of the friends are staying here so I'm wondering if you can fetch me up later." You said

"Yeah sure. How about on the way home? Do you need a ride?"

"No, haha I brought my bicycle. It's just.." You whispered. "I really can't ride my bike since Ivy let me wore a skirt so uh and it's really short."

"Well, I won't let anyone harass you so okay, I'll fetch you up later."

"Hope it doesn't rain! Haha" You jokingly said

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