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An hour later..

"Heya bro I missed you!" You said and hugged Xukun.

"Did he do anything bad?"

"Nah, all good."

Chengcheng stopped at the middle of his track. "Can the both of you be a little more faster? I mean, Time's ticking."

You rolled your eyes. "Come on bro."

As you entered the private plane you never entered before, it looks so luxurious.

"Hello, Good afternoon and welcome aboard!" A girl that doesn't look like a stewardess said.

Must be another customer?

The plane doesn't look like a plane at all, It's like a living room in the air lol.

You started sitting on the very fancy seat obviously.

It's very elegant, there's couch and you decided to stay on that couch.

There are only three couch on the lounge.

"Hello, you must be y/n?" the girl from before said

"Ah, how did you know me?"

"I'm Ivy, I'm sorry I had to join you three on your plane since I really had to go."

"what? I thought you were a staff?" You asked curiously.

"Haha nope, this is my grand father's plane and I only work as an intern and my last work was today."

"Ah so that explains it."

"So, would you mind if we talk during the whole ride? Or you want me to be formal?"

You smiled. "Nah just talk as usual."

"Nice. I haven't introduced myself pretty much yet. I'm Ivory, yep I'm the elephant's teeth lol but you can call me Ivy." Ivy said.

You introduced yourself. "I work as a photographer and I'm going to sign my contract in Yuehua Ent. soon, how about you what do you do for a living?"

She giggled. "We'll be workmates then! I'm signing on that entertainment too, I work as a fashion designer and I'm pretty much dressing the models on the ent lol."

"Oh, speaking of models. Is that Fan Cheng Cheng?"

"Yup. He's covering the payments."

"Oh really? That's why my father praised me for this last internship 'cuz the customers last time were really cheap. You must be very rich." She said

"Nope, I'm not rich haha. I literally live on a small apartment where there's no sound proof so you can hear loud noises every time."

"Oh, But you're with Xukun and Chengcheng?"

"Xukun is actually my childhood friend along with Justin, the model performer from Yuehua too and Yanjun, Yanjun doesn't do anything for a living but effin' rich. I'm friends with rich dudes."

"Ohh is that so? Ah by the way, speaking of apartment. I have an empty slot on mine and I'm in need of roommates so would you like to join?"

You hesitated at first but you're sick from those neighbors.

"Yes, i'm in! How's the rental tho?"

"Oh, you don't need to do that since I already rented the room for 10 years and like you really don't have to pay me hehe."

"Wait no I would not allow that, That's too much."

"It's okay, Y/N. Since you're the very first friend I got then might as well treat you big."


After a few chit chats, Xukun went to the bathroom and Ivy chose to sleep.

Chengcheng sat beside you.

"Why are you sitting beside me? There's a wide range of chairs around the whole lounge!"

"Tsk don't complain too much." He said bluntly and scrolled down to his phone.

Suddenly, a turbulence came and you suddenly gripped onto his arms tightly.

Yes, you had a trauma.

Your tears started dripping. "Xukun where are you?" you mumbled.

"Hey—" Chengcheng was about to speak when you cried.

"Please don't let go."  You whispered

He sighed and patted you. "Okay pig, I won't. But hurry up."

On the other hand, Xukun came back from the washroom.

Stared at the both of you.

Chengcheng smirking to Xukun very evil-like and mouthed. "1 point for me."

Xukun went to you and grabbed you. "Hey, Y/N Kunkun is here~"

You hugged him tightly. "Hey Kun don't leave me please."

"Yeah I wont." He said and patted your head for comfort.

Xukun mouthed back to Chengcheng. "1 point for me :p"

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