Part 36

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*Third person pov* 

'I am beautiful, I am the Third's grand daughter. I am not ugly, just scary. . ? Whatever.' Haru thought as she brushed her hair in the mirror. 

"Sasuke," she whispered as an image of him popped up in her head. She blushed a light pink.  "Great. Now I'm a fangirl." She rolled her eyes and set down her brush.  Walking over to the door she knocked and was let out. 

"Don't let this power get to you brat." The guard seethed. "You're still a demon." Haru stopped and stood still, her eyes casted downwards. 

"I guess I am," she whispered. "But is it I who's really the demon?"  She questioned as she left the guard. Running outside she felt the wind pierce her skin, it didn't hurt her. She felt soothed by it. Today she was supposed to meet Naruto and Ebisu Sensei. She hated that pervert, he always tried to see what she looked like.

Stopping at the meeting spot she waited for the two.  Ebisu came up with Naruto, both arguing. 

"OH HEY! We're going to the baths! Wanna come?" Naruto asked as he ran up to Haru. 

"Sure. ." She whispered. 

They were now at the baths. Haru alone with other girls in hers, and Naruto in the other. 

"Teehehee," she heard. She looked around.

"Heeheheheh" She heard again. She grabbed her towel and whipped up. 

"Hehehe," She heard once more, she spotted white spiky hair.

"STOP STARING YOU OLD PERV!" She heard Naruto yell.  She jumped over into the mens bath. 

"Yeah." She nodded in agreement. Both boys looked at her in shock, than blood starting seeping out of their noses. 

"Gah!" They yelled as they fell over.

"Uhh Naruto? Are you okay? Why are you bleeding?" Haru asked as she poked Naruto.

"HEHEHEHEH" The white haired man murmured on the ground twitching. 

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