Part 19

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*Third person pov* 

After the incident that happened the other day everyone was waiting eagerly for Kakashi sensei to show up at the bridge. Haru was sitting on the railing swinging her legs back and forth, Sasuke was beside her leaning against the railing, Naruto was sitting on the ground while Sakura was standing in front of Sasuke and Haru. 

"I hope we're in the chunin exams," Naruto smiled his eyes sparkling.

"Mhm, it'll be fun." Haru giggled. Sasuke nodded. "But the only thing is. . .  The chunin exams only allow 3 participants per team." 

"It does?!" Naruto yelled. This caught Sasuke and Sakura off guard. Sasuke looked wide eyed at Haru. 

"So that means, one of us will have to go alone." Sakura stated. 

"I will," Sasuke and Naruto said at the same time. They both looked at each other and glared growling lightening sparking between their eyes.

 "Guys, the chunin exams kill people. I've heard stories about thousands of people getting killed from my grandpa." Haru sighed stopping her legs from swinging. 

"R-really?" Sakura asked spooked.  Haru nodded. 

"Mhm, plus if anyone is going to go alone. It's probably going to be me. Naruto, no offense but your to dumb to go alone and will get yourself killed, and Sasuke you can't go because you're going to have to protect the team.  But if I don't go you and Naruto will fight non stop about the stupidest things." Haru stated looking at Sasuke and Naruto. 

"So that leaves," Sasuke stated, the whole team looked over at Sakura. 

"Sakura." Naruto yelled. She gulped in fear. 

"No, the thing is she can't. She'll be killed within an hour." Haru sighed. "Either way, if our team gets split up, we're screwed." Haru spoke up. The wind picked up and a soft breeze was blown towards them, their hairs swayed in the wind as complete silence over took the conversation. Once the wind stopped Haru looked back at her team.  "Which is why, who ever is the one going alone is responsible for meeting up with the team." Haru nodded. "Alright?" Everyone nodded in agreement.  "We don't even know if we're in the chunin exams yet, but it's good to be prepared."  She looked around at her group and smiled softly and put her hand in the middle.  "No matter what, we all must protect each other."  Everyone got a look of determination in their eyes. Naruto was the first one to put his hand on top of Haru's, then Sakura, then Sasuke. 

"TEAM 7!" They all yelled with a smile. Sakura and Haru giggled, Naruto laughed and Sasuke smirked. 


"EEQ," Haru yelled grabbing onto the closest person to her. Her and the figure fell back into the water under the bridge. Haru landed ontop of the figure, although they were both underwater. They both jumped up and sat on the rocks looking up at the bridge where Naruto was laughing, Kakashi was chuckling and Sakura was wide eyed. Haru looked beside her only to see a wet Sasuke with his hair over his face, he looked over at her and scowled. Haru started laughing. 

"I'm so sorry Sasuke," she laughed. "Oh my gosh, you look so funny. I can't believe you fell in with me, hahahahaha." She laughed. Sasuke scowled even more and dumked her head under the water. Haru came up and spit water out through her mask. She splashed water at Sasuke, while Naruto was laughing up above. Sasuke splashed Haru even more, so Haru launched at him and dunked his face under the water. She giggled.

"HARUKA!" Sakura screetched. Sasuke and Haru looked up, only to see Naruto laugh so hard, try to grab the railing and miss and fall in. The duo looked at each other and smirked evily; Naruto looked up with his hair stuck to his face, he went wide eyed when he saw Sasuke and Haru creeping towards him. 

"No," Naruto yelled, he tried to get up but Sasuke and Haru lauched at him and dunked in under the water. Haru laughed and highfived Sasuke. 


"I've signed you up for the chunin exams," Kakashi sensei said lazily showing the forms. 

"Yes, I love you Kakashi sensei!" Naruto yelled and dove into his arms. 

"Okay, okay. Get off, I don't want drool on my vest." Kakashi sensei stated pushing him off.  Haru smiled, Sakura looked over at her. 

'I wish, I wish I was like her.' She thought. Sakura's face paled. 

"Don't worry Sakura, we'll all protect you. I promise." Haru smiled putting her hand on her shoulder. 

*In Sakura's mind* 

Haru, Sasuke and Naruto were far ahead of her each walking. Haru was ahead of Sasuke, looking back smiling and holding her hand out to both her and Sasuke who were beside each other. 

"T-they're, they're so far ahead. 

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