Part 16

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*Third person pov* 

Everyone was on their way to the bridge, exluding Naruto who was asleep at Tazuna's. As they walked through the forest Haru was looking around cautiously. 

"Ugh, Haru. Stop being so on edge." Sakura rolled her eyes. 

"Today's the day. I know it." Haru replied quietly. 

"And how do you kno-" Sakura began to say. Right before they turned the corner Haru stiffened.

"He's here." She said. 

"Shut up, no he's no-what happened?" Sakura gasped as she turned the corner only to see a bunch of bodies laying in pools of blood.  Kakashi narrowed his eyes; all of them started to approach the scene. 

"Hey Zabuza! Come back for more?" Haru smirked pounding her fist into her hand. She wasn't planning on killing Zabuza, honestly she liked him. Even though they met, like once. She considered him like an older sibling. She giggled. Zabuza appeared with a man in a mask. 

"You deceived us," Kakashi started. 

'T-that chakra.' Haru thought. 


A man who was dressed in a yukata was walking away right as Haru and Sasuke approached. Sasuke paid no attention to 'her', the wind blew and his long brown hair swayed back. He glanced over to Haru, and their eyes met for a brief moment. The world seemed to slow down, he looked forward, Haru looked forward and they both walked in opposite directions; their hair flowing behind them . 

*Flashback end* 

"T-That guy. H-he's" She whispered.

"Well Haku, looks like you have a rival." She heard, she snapped out of it. As she looked around she realized that Kakashi and Zabuza were watching Sasuke and Haku fight, Sakura was in front of Tazuna.

"You're good, but you aren't going to win." She heard this so called Haku say. 

"Hn, we'll see about that." Sasuke replied smirking. Haru got a tick mark. 

"I got the advantage you see." He started to say but was cut off. 

"Sasuke you idiot! His chakra is water! THERE'S WATER ALL OVER!"  Haru yelled. His eyes widen for a brief second, Haku then started to do hand signs so fast, Sasuke's eyes couldn't keep up. The water started to rise, and form a dome around them. 

"Demonic mirroring ice crystals." He muttered. 

"Sasuke!" Sakura yelled. Haru took off running. 

"HARU!" Kakashi yelled. She went inside the dome before the ice started to form and grabbed Sasuke's arm. Sasuke's eyes widen as he felt his feet leave the ground. Haru had thrown him out of the ice dome, the ice formed around Haru. Sasuke skid across the ground and landed near Sakura.  Sasuke gasped, Sakura ran up to Sasuke. 

"You threw him out," Haku stated from outside the dome looking at Sasuke. He entered the mirrors. 

"Of course I did." She stated looking at the mirror he was in. 

Sasuke was about to run over to the dome, but Zabuza's sword stopped him. 

"Well, it looks like I'll have to kill you first." He stated from under his mask, he grabbed three needles. 

"Wait!" She called. "Before that, can I. . . Can I ask you something." She asked looking at him. Haku put the needles down to his side. 

"Go ahead." He replied. 

"Naruto, he. He told me everything you said. At the field where you two met. You aren't a killer, so. Why?" She asked. 

"To protect the one I care about." He stated. 

"Zabuza." She whispered. 

"Are you Aya?" Haku asked. 

"Huh?" She murmured looking up at Haku. "When I was talking to Naruto. He talked about someone he called Aya; and how she was his first friend and that he'd do anything to protect her. . . Is that you?"

"Naruto said that about me?" She asked, she smiled and looked down. 

"It's a shame to have to kill you." He spoke up.  Haru nodded. 

"If we met under different circumstances. I do believe, we could've became friends." Haru whispered getting into a fighting stance. Haku raised his senbon needles. 

"HAKU I DON'T HEAR ANY SCREAMING! WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Zabuza yelled catching Haru off guard. At that moment, Haku threw his needles at her and began counting down until her death.

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