Part 10

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*third person pov* 

Haru stood outside and smiled softly under her mask as she packed. She sighed lightly as she heard her parents fawning over Konohomaru. 

"Konohomaru, you are so strong." 

"I love you so much." 

"You're perfect just the way you are." 

"He's the next prodigy."

"He'll take over as Hokage one day." Her parents fawned over the young boy, Haru's heart clenched, and shattered even more. Her eyes drooped lightly, tears pricked at the edge of her eyes. She called them 'Akuma's eyes' for they truly were. She walked out of the door quietly and shut it, with that she walked towards her team. When she arrived Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura were there; it seemed like they were just waiting on her and Kakashi. She smiled under her mask and bounced up to them. 

"Hey guys," she smiled. 

"You're late." Sakura glared. 

"Heheh, sorry. I had. . . Family issues." She smiled, Sasuke looked over at her curiously. 

"Aya! We're going to be travellers believe it!" Naruto grinned ear to ear. 

"Yeah, I've never been outside before this month-I mean, I've never been outside the village." She corrected herself. Sasuke raised an eyebrow clearly hearing her mess up, only making him more curious. He had never heard of her before, she wasn't new to the village; he had asked the Hokage about her, he said she was his niece. So how come she's never been around, or heard of? She was basically a ghost. But even ghosts have some sort of record on them, she. She has none. Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her. 

'Who is she really?' He asked himself. 

"You two are seriously idiots," Sakura insulted with a soft scoff. Haru giggled.

"I guess it is kinda weird we haven't left. I just, have never thought I'd be allowed out." She mumbled the last part to herself. 

"Alright, let's get going." Kakashi said appearing with the client. They all nodded and took off. 

"Sorry, I never your name." Haru said going up to the old man. 

"Tch, you bra-" he began to say, he looked over at Haru; he saw all the emotion that flooded through her eyes. From anger, to sadness, loneliness and hatred; he knows this because these are the emotions he knows all to well, he saw them for a moment then they disappeared.  "I'm Tazuna, the bridge builder. And you are?" He asked nicely, this made Kakashi's eye widen and the three others to stop in shock. 

"Haru, just Haru. It's nice to meet you, and a pleasure to protect you." She did a close eyed smile. 

"You too kid. Say, can I really trust those brats with my life?" Tazuna asked turning his attention to Kakashi and going back to insulting the young genin. 

"Don't worry, I am a jonin." Kakashi replied lazily.

'Why did he say protect him with our life?' Haru thought. She narrowed her eyes. 'He's hiding something.' Just then she spotted a puddle, she looked up. 'It hasn't rained though. The only way. . . It's a trap.' She thought. She looked at Kakashi and subtly nodded towards the puddle. He nodded and shook his head as if saying not to say anything. She looked confused for a moment but then got his idea and nodded. She squealed. 

"A puddle!" She smiled, she ran up and jumped in it. Smirking viciously internally. She giggled cutely. Kakashi smiled underneath his mask remembering what the Hokage told him. 


"Kakashi, Haruka. She's never been outside before, she's been locked up her whole life. She, she's different. The kind of different people hate. Please, watch over her." The hokage said looking at him seriously. His pipe to the side. 

"Right." Kakashi replied. 

*Flashback end* 

'She seems like a normal girl.' he thought. 

'Childish.' Sakura thought, she looked over at Sasuke and saw him crack a small smile.  'SHE'S WINNING OVER SASUKE!'

"You're so childish." She insulted glaring. 

"I am a child though." She replied back. 'I don't have any good childhood memories. I just want to make some.' She thought sadly.  She got out of the puddle and walked back towards them. Just then two figures jumped out of the puddle and 'ripped' Kakashi to pieces. 

"AHH KAKASHI SENSEI!" Sakura and Naruto yelled.  The two ran after their next targets, Naruto froze. 

"Naruto!" Haru yelled, she went to go help him but was stopped by the other one. 

"I'll kill you for jumping on us." He growled, Haru looked worried and turned her attention back to Naruto. Who was saved by Sasuke. She smiled relieved. She went to go punch him, but he walked away and began to go after Tazuna. Sakura jumped in front, then Sasuke. Then in an instant, Kakashi and Haru appeared. Both of them grabbing a bandit by the neck and knocking them out. 

"Yo." Kakashi said coolly. Haru punched him on the head, and Kakashi fell to the ground clutching his head. 

"Don't do that." She muttered. 

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