-았/었어요 (Past Tense)

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-았/었어요 is used for past tense. It is used to express a statement that either started and completed in the past or started in the past and still going on. Note that the ending 어요 can be substituted with a different sentence ending or clause ending, such as 어,습니다,죠?,으니까,ect. But there must be some ending; a word may not be end with 았/었.

•If the last vowel in the verb before the ending is a yang vowel (아,야,오,요,애,얘,와,외,or 왜): 았아요

•If the last vowel in the verb before ending is a yin vowel (어,여,우,유,에,예,워,위,or 웨): 었어요

•If the last vowel in the verb before the ending is neutral vowel (으,이,or 의): use the preceding vowel: if it  is yang, then 았어요;if it is yin, then 었어요; if there are no non-neutral vowels, use 었어요.

One exception: the verb 하다 (or any verb ending in 하다) becomes 했다 or 하였다 (했다 is the contracted form and much more common)

막다 ➡ 막았다
먹다 ➡ 먹었다
가다 ➡ 갔다
오다 ➡ 왔다
주다 ➡ 줬다
춥다 ➡ 추웠다 (Irregular case)
쓰다 ➡ 썼다 (Irregular case)
듣다 ➡ 들었다 (Irregular case)

Example sentences:

점심 먹었어요?
Did you have (eat) lunch?
•먹➡ 어 (yin vowel) + 었어요 = 먹었어요

동생은 학교에 갔습니다
My younger brother went to school
•갔어요 (어요 been substitute to 습니다) = 갔습니다

나는 자주 도서과에 갔어요
I often went to the library
•가➡ 아 (yang vowel) + 았어요 = 갔어요

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