Chapter 9

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Bell's POV

"What are you doing here?" I stop crying and wiped my face. I pulled away from him and stared at him.

"When I left Tibby's, I came back a little later ta toik ta ya, but ya weren't dere. So I came hea and hea ya ah." Spot said.

"Why do you need to talk to me?" I asked him and crossed my arms over my chest. He shouldn't be here. I just wanted him to leave.

"I didn' like how we wa on bad toims." he told me.

"Not everything goes your way." I state and look away from him.

"I know dat now. I jus' wish it did."

"I think we all wish it did." We had a moment of silence between us. It was a comfortable silence.

After a couple more minutes, he got up and put his hand out for me to take which I did. I know I shouldn't but what do I have to loose now? I already lost everything.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Spot led me out if the lodging house.

"It's a suprise" he said as I huffed. I followed Spot out of Manhattan and towards Brooklyn, him still holding my hand.

"You can let go of my hand now," I said softly and he quickly let go of my hand. We walked farther into Brooklyn to what seems like a cemetery and straight to two graves that laid under a tree that grew cherry blossoms. I read the two graves. James Conlon and Sandra Conlon. We sat under the tree and had a moment of silence before I spoke.

"Are these your parents?" I asked quietly.


"Why are you showing me them?" I was confused. Why was he bringing me here? I was rude to him.

"I know we had our up an' downs, well mostly downs, but I feel like I can trust ya. I feel like someone should know. An' dat I chose ya... I don't know... Dere's just somethin'..." I don't understand and I don't think he does either. "I use' ta be a rich kid an' get everythin' I want'. I lived in a nice house wit me folks. When I was 8, a thief came in an' stole a lot of thins. I was lock' in me room and when I came out ta see me parents, I found dem dead in deir room. Da thieves lit da house on fire an' I was able ta escape. I've been on da streets eva since. I went back ta dat house only ta find it in ashes. I found dis key aftawoids," Spot took out a key that was hanging around his neck. "it belong' ta me mum's jewelry box. I tried lookin' fa da box but it was in ashes." Spot finishes and looks up at me from fiddling with his hands. He quickly wiped away a tear that managed to escape and I got closer to wipe away another one. I looked into his pale blue eyes. I saw pain left from loosing both his parents. I saw a seventeen year old boy that only had a slingshot, a cane, and a key. He was vulnerable this way. I could only wish I met this Spot sooner.

"You really miss them don't you?" I asked and he nodded.

"I come here sometimes an' talk ta dem. It makes me feel bedda. It makes me feel like dey ah still here."

"They are always here." I whisper since our faces were only centimeters away. I smiled up at him and he returned the gesture. I backed away and leaned against the tree once more.

"So what's ya story?" he questioned. "I told ya mine, now what's yours?"

"Did you just tell me your story so I would tell you mine?"

"No, but it's only fair..."

"Oh is it?" he nodded. "Well then, since it's only fair... Where should I start?"

"Da beginnin'."

A-N- First of all, I give FULL credit to I_Bleed_Words for Spot's background story!

That was just a little thing for Spot. I know it was short... Oh well... there will be more. Don't worry. Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment! I love you all!

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