Chapter 5

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Rosie's POV

Mush and I sat down next to Charlie and Race. Charlie and Race seemed to be in their own little conversation. I picked up my locket that was hanging around my neck as I tried to follow what they were saying. I played with it in my hands which I only usually do when I'm bored or nervous but now it's just a habit.

"What's dat?" Mush asks me gesturing to my locket.

"A locket," I simply reply.

"What's inside of it?"

"A picture of my brother." I say to him.

"Ya neva said you have a broda."

"Had... yeah. He took care of me for a little bit after my dad died and my mom left. But then a fire broke out and he died. He was nineteen. I was really close to him so I don't really bring him up." I told him opening and closing the locket.

"Well, den I'm sorry for bringin' it up."

"No need to apologize. Everything is okay now." I hope.

After a couple more hours, we finally returned to Manhattan. We soon got to the lodging house and what we found I couldn't believe.

We found Bell cuddled up to Skittery and they were asleep on her bed.

"Well someone had a fun time." Charlie joked. I smiled down at them. For so long she has been depressed and sad but from the looks of it, she won't be anymore.

"We should wake 'em up." Jack said.

"No, we shouldn't." I objected. I walked to my bed and lied down. I'm happy for her. For both of them.

Bell's POV

I woke up the next day tangled in Skittery's embrace. We must've fell asleep. I looked around the room and saw everyone else asleep. I yawned and untangled my arms from Skittery's and stretched. After I stretched I looked bac at Skittery and saw his eyes flutter open.

"Mornin'" he says quietly so no one else wakes up.

"Morning." I replied. I'm still trying to get used to talking more often around Skittery. I know I can trust him and I hope he can trust me, too.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked as he sat up and stretched as well. I nodded.

"Did you?" he nodded back. Just then, Kloppman came in and woke everyone else up. And it was morning rush time t get ready again.

Once everyone was ready, we went left and got our papers. We split up after that to sell them. Skittery and I went together hand in hand. After a couple of minutes, Skittery finally speaks up.

"So does dat make you my goil now?" he ask looking down at me and smiled. I returned the smile and kissed him on the lips.

"Does that answer your question?" he nods and wraps his arm around my shoulder. Everything seems to be fitting in perfectly and everyone seems happy. Becoming a newsie was the best thing that ever happened to me.

After we sold our papers, we arrived back at the lodge and saw Spot waiting there leaning against the wall. Once he saw us, he stood up and started walking toward us. I grabbed a hold of Skittery and he held onto me.

"What brings ya here, Spot?" Skittery asks him with a hard glare.

"I came to talk to Bell." That only made Skittery's grip tighten and Spot's stare shifted to me. We made eye contact for a second before Skittery talked up.


"That's a good question," Spot relied with a smirk. "can I talk to you. Alone?" Spot asks me. I look up at Skittery and back at Spot. I slowly nodded and let go of Skittery. Skittery let go if me and I walked behind Spot as he lead me around the corner to an alley. Spot turned around and faced me looking me up and down.

"I just wanted to apologize and I was wondrin' if ya could meet me at the Brooklyn Bridge at 10 so we- I could talk to you." I didn't know what to say. His face softened noticing I was a little frightened by him. I nodded.

"So I'll see you tonight?" he asked. I nodded. He smiled at me and walked out if the alley. I walked out if the alley not sure of what to do. I have to tell Skittery but I'm afraid of how he'll react.

"What's was dat 'bout?" Skittery asks me.

"He just wanted to apologize." I said leaving out the last part. I didn't lie, I just didn't tell him the whole truth.

10 o'clock came quicker than I thought it would.

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