Chapter 5 (continuation)

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A-N- Sry for the last update! I was on the road when I was fixing it and it didn't save. So I apologize for that short chapter and I am changing it a bit. And sry because sometimes I forget to change the words because of their accents.... So yeah...

Bell's POV

Night came sooner than I wanted it to. I quietly got out of bed and made my way out of the lodging house careful not to wake anyone up. I walked to the Brooklyn bridge rather quickly wanting to get this over with.

Once I'm close enough, I see a figure walking towards me. 'Must be Spot' I thought to myself and it was.

"I thought you'd neva show," Spot said once we reach each other. "You ain't gonna talk are ya?" I shook my head. He's the last person I want to talk too.

"So what's ya story?" he asks not getting the hint that I'm not going to talk.

"That's for me to know and you to not care." I replied giving up and talking to him.

"What if I said I cared?" Spot moved closer to me. I looked at him and for a minute all of my fear disappeared. I saw his pale blue eyes and his light brown hair. I ignored his question and looked away.

"Why don't you talk? Why do you close the world off?" he kept asking me question.

"That's personal and I don't close the world off. I just try to protect myself." I told him. I shouldn't be telling him this. I shouldn't be telling him anything. I shouldn't be here.

"Protect ya self from what?"

"People that could hurt me. I don't like being hurt. I've been hurt too many times before." I look out at the water and see a nice restaurant that was playing music. I have always loved music. My mom used to play the piano when my dad wasn't home and we would sing along together.

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes before we walked down to the beach. We could hear the music better as we got closer. I hummed along to the tune which Spot noticed. He stopped walking and held out his hand. I grabbed it not sure of what he was doing. We started dancing obnoxiously which I laughed to realizing how treacherous my dancing is. He smiled as I laughed. We sat down on the beach and stared at the sky.

"I never would have guessed that the King of Brooklyn has such a soft spot." I say to him while turning on my side to look at him. He chuckles in response and turns over also. We stayed silent for a moment as we just stare at each other. My view of him has changes since I last met him. Perhaps even a change for the better.

I looked away but I still felt his gaze on me.

"What are you looking at?" I nudged him getting his attention. He looked away in embarrassment that I caught him staring and forced a 'nothing' out of his mouth.

"Where are ya goin'?" he asked me as I stand up. He copied my actions and grabbed my wrist to turn me around.

"I need to go back to Manhattan." I told him. Trying to free my wrist from his grip. He finally let go and I waved at him and started to walk away when he called after me.

"Wait, Bell." I turned around and once he reached me, he crashed his lips into mine... And I kissed him back...

I pull away as I realize what I was doing. Tears blurred my vision as I walked away. He tried to grab my wrist again but I yanked it away.

"I'm with Skittery." I said in a low tone as I wipe my cheeks. I ran away as fast as I could. I'm mad at myself for coming. I'm mad at him for doing that and to think I was about to change my mind about him. And above all that, I ruined everything with Skittery. He'll never forgive me. We haven't even been together for 2 days and I messed everything up.

I stopped running and found myself back in Manhattan. I didn't want to go back to the lodging house in fear of Skittery's reaction. One minute everything was great and the next minute everything is falling apart. But I knew what I had to do. I had to tell him. I needed to tell him.

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