Chapter 3

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Bell's POV

We wake up rather early to sell papers or papes as the boys call it. We all got dressed and ready and got started.

"So, do ya goils know whatcha doin'?" Jack asked us. I don't but Charlie does. She takes care of us and she looks out for us.

"Yeah, thank you." Charlie looks at the ground. She isn't one for admitting her mistakes or admitting she doesn't know what she is doing.

"If ya want, I could show ya 'round." Jack tells Charlie.

"I could show Bell 'round." Skittery says looking at me. Why? Why would he want to show me around?

"Okay then it's settled. I'll show Charlie 'round, Skittery can show Bell 'round, and... uh... Mush. You can show Rosie 'round." Jack says pointing to a brunette behind Skittery who I'm guessing is Mush.

"Are you two okay with that?" Charlie asks us. I give her a small nod and Rosie does the same.

We grab our papers and started walking away from the group as the others did the same. The walk was silent between us as Skittery says random headlines trying to sell some papers.

"You are probably wondrin' why I wanted to show ya 'round." Skittery says while looking down at me. "I just thought ya wanted ta see a familiar face." He smiled down at me. "And plus, I could neva give up the chance to show a pretty goil 'round." I feel my cheeks heat up and I look away so he doesn't see me blush.

Rosie's POV

"So what's ya story, shorty?" Mush asks me.

"I have a name ya know." I stopped walking and looked up at him.

"I know but it suits ya." he smiled down at me. Yeah, I am short and he's pretty tall. We continued walking.

"Well, to answer your question, my dad died a year ago and my mom went crazy after that. She practically destroyed my house and almost killed me, so she's in the asylum now." I tell him and look down at the ground. I am kind of embarrassed to say that. We stay quiet for a couple of seconds before he speaks up.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear dat."

"It's fine. It doesn't matter now. After that, I joined Charlie's little group. And here I am." I smile up at him which he returns.

Charlie's POV

I, honestly, would rather be with Race right now. When Jack offered, I just wanted to speak up and say I will go with Race but I didn't. I'm sure Race wouldn't want to hang out with me as much as I wanted to hang out with him. As I have said before, Race is so sweet and funny. I found myself thinking about Race more and more as we walked.

"Earthquake in California! Destroys buildings!" Jack screams as a few people come to buy the papers.

"Jack, that's not in the papers. It say 'New Building Reopens.'" I say.

"I know, but what kind if headline is dat? Sometimes you gotta just twist it a little bit for people ta buy it." he says while looking at me. I look the other way at the bustling streets. This will be a long day...

A-N- Sry for small update! Whattpad wasn't loading on my laptop so I kept on deleting everything I wrote so I quickly wrote this before it started to not work again. Vote! Comment! Read! Thank you! Love you all!

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