Chapter 8

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Bell's POV

So this is how it feels. This is how being heartbroken feels. Yes, I have been sad multiple times before, but this feels worse. This unbearable pain of losing the only thing in your life that keeps you happy or sane.

Morning came and everyone was rushing to get ready. I've decided to take the day off.

He hasn't come back yet. I haven't seen him since our fight. I'm worried about him. What if something happened to him? What if he's hurt? I try to push all of these thoughts to the back if my mind and try to forget even though I know I won't be able to forget.

"Are you okay?" Rosie asked me once all the other newsies left. I shook my head. I'm far from okay.

"What happened?" she asks me softly while rubbing my back trying to soothe me.

"I ruined everything. I went behind Skittery's back to meet Spot and then Spot kissed me and I kissed him back." I didn't notice I was crying. "I told Skittery what happened yesterday and he left. He hasn't come back yet. I'm worried about him. And I don't know if he'll ever forgive me and I just don't know what to do." I finish. I look up at Rosie and she smiled sympathetically at me.

"It's okay."

"No. It's not okay. Everyone always says it's okay and that it will turn out fine but it's not. Nothing is okay." I sob.

"He will forgive you." she tries again.

"How do you know that?" I loosing hope by now that everything will be okay.

"'Cause he likes you too much. I see it in the way he looks at you. He looks at you like he would do anything for you and I see you look at him the same way. It will take time but he will come back. As for now, you have to be patient." she tells me.

"Do you think so?"

"Of course." she pulls me into a hug and then she gets up from sitting on the bed. She holds out her hand for me to take.

"Now c'mon. I don't think you should cry all day. Lets go sell some papes," she tries to say the last sentence in an accent which fails. I laugh at her attempt and grab her hand.

I quickly get ready and we get our papers. We shout random headlines and soon, all of our papers are sold. We walk back to the lounge and the day passes by.

Every moment Skittery isn't there, makes me even more worried. I miss him. And even though Rosie has tried really hard, I couldn't stop thinking about him as the day went on. I just hope Skittery comes home soon.


I woke up the next day and immediately looked to my right in hopes of seeing him. He wasn't there. Every hour was worse than the last. This terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach grew and grew. I was beyond worried by this point. I couldn't stand it. I felt like a piece of me left and walked out of my life when he did the same.

As the day progressed, I tried to pay more attention to what was going on in my best friends' lives and trying to forget about mine. At least for now until the pain is gone.

Once we all finished selling our papers, we met the others at Tibby's. Rosie, Charlie, and I all parted ways to go chat with other newsies. I walked around in hopes of seeing his familiar face. I get a few 'heys' from the newsies that I past.

"Have you seen Skittery?" I asked Jack once I reach him.

"No, sorry. I haven' seen 'im in a couple of days now dat I think of it." he said. I give him a small smile as an 'okay' and leave Tibby's. I walk down the familiar streets of Manhattan until I reach the lounge. I walk up the stairs and into my bed. I haven't been able to sleep very well these past nights. I needed to catch up on some well-needed rest.

I was crawling behind the dining room table when glass flew behind me. My leg started throbbing so I stopped crawling. I looked at my leg and saw a piece of glass in it. Blood was pouring out of my wound. I heard screams and shouts coming from him but I couldn't make out what it was saying-

"Bell, Bell, wake up" a soft voice said and I jolted awake. I am all sweaty and my body is shaking. I didn't realize I was crying until someone wiped away a tear. I hugged my knees and continued crying. I looked up to see who it was.


A-N- I'm sry this is kind of short... But I will be updating more often now. Feel free to talk to me because I'm always on Whattpad and I get lonely and bored... Thanks for reading! Vote and Comment! I love hearing from you guys! Love ya!

The Newsiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें