Chapter 9: More Rivals

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"As long as you don't break the school rules and regulations, try to be incognito, okay?" I said.

I'm such a pushover sometimes.

"But of course, sister dearest," Stacy crooned while rising from her wooden stool.

She dove into her own pink bed sheets after switching off the lights.

Wednesday morning found us both standing in front of the university's focal bulletin board, where all important announcements were pinned onto for all to see and share.

Noisy bundles of college students,mostly freshmen, flooded in front of the newly posted lists of school clubs and its selected members. A mix of excitement and trepidation hung in the air.

"OH MY GOSH, YES! YES!" Stacy squealed with delight as she threw her arms around me.

I laughed and returned her hug, at the same time drawing her away from the busy crowd.

"Isn't this amazing, Sop?We both got into our first choices!" she gushed while embracing me.

My smile was my answer. Admittedly, I was happy that Stacy got accepted into not only the Drama Guild, but also the pep squad--though she still had auditions this coming Friday.

But I felt a little disheartened to not make the cut for the student council candidacy. Yes, I was officially a member of the Orion Arrow, our university's chronicle, and I loved to write. I just wished I also made it into the SC election list. I would have done my best to become president.

"Why the long face, Sophia?" a girl called out from behind me.

I reeled around to see Hanna Mendoza's smug smile. She was visibly gloating.

"Oh, that's right." She put a hand on her mouth in mock sympathy. "You didn't make the cut."

Of course, my twin was the first to rise to the bait. My tall blonde sister glared at Hanna.

"What's your deal, Mendoza?" Stacy snapped, hands on her waist as she glowered at the teen with long black hair and freckles.

"Nothing at all," Hanna nonchalantly replied, sending me a condescending smile.

I took a step towards my academic rival, and she stepped back in reaction.

"Wimp," Stacy murmured, and I flashed her a look. She scoffed and went to her pals.

"What are you going to do?" Hanna asked me, trying to sound brave. Did she really think I was going to get physical?

I offered my hand to her, and she stared down at my outstretched palm,her eyes skeptical.

"Congratulations," I told Hanna sincerely. I smiled and added: "You deserve it."

She squinted her eyes at me as though suspecting a trick. But after a minute, we shook hands.

"Thank you," Hanna responded, then gave me a puzzled look before rushing to her girl friends.

A sigh slipped from my throat as I watched a banks of students block the view of the club lists.

I caught a glimpse of Stacy squealing and laughing with her own group of friends, whom I knew.

"Cheer up, Sop," said Cole Perez, one of my old high school friends and officially a member of the Orion University Tennis Team. He and I shared one minor subject.

Shooting him a grateful smile, I spotted Liam, Matthew, Spencer, and Emily, another high school friend, walking in our direction. The guys were frowning while the girls were beaming merrily.

"What happened?" I asked them all.

It was Emily who answered, but she exhaled a disgruntled sigh before she turned to me.

"Spencer and I got into our first choice. The book club," she clarified with a depressing face.

Cole scratched at his cheek, perplexed. "Then why are you both so blue?" he asked the girls.

"Because," Spencer replied in a dejected manner. "Scarlet Salvador and Aria Flores are in the same club as us. And they're not exactly.."

"Smart?"  Cole guessed.

"Suitable?" I tried.

"Both," Emily complained. "They only chose that club because they thought it would be easy and they didn't have to attend every week." She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"They can't be that bad," I said in a consoling tone.

My gaze automatically met Liam's amber eyes. He was already staring at me.

"Li," I greeted him,summoning a chipper mood. "What club are you part of?"

Liam's smile was bright but strained, as he answered me: "Computer Wizards."

"That's great!" I knew he loved working with computers. I moved closer to him and placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, which I hastily retracted when he flinched ever so slightly.

So he was still hurting from my recent rejection of his affections.

"How about you, Matt?" I asked Matthew Rosales, one of my classmates in Education.

"Speech and Debate Club," he replied, looking bored out of his skull.Typical Matt.

I was about to ask if anyone wanted to join me at the campus library since we had next period free due to our professor's absence, when I heard a guy's voice seem to call my name from afar.


A tall guy with black bangs and brown eyes was walking straight towards me.

He had a cheerful smile on his charming face.

And a petite girl clinging to him as though he was her lifesaver.

She was glaring at me.

Why was she glaring at me?

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