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At the very end of some dramatic analyses, I subjected to release my work. But I came really frustrated of the mere sensibility they said I am having. I drank all my energy potion and blinked a few times as said in the pasted description but I was feeling nothing. I had no emotions.

I had no one as my life line. I lived alone. The sunburns I got when I was a child still burns my skin, I know, I'm pretty sensitive. They tortured me with their tongue, they twisted it, rolled it to make words, they speak them loud to me. While I make my words in the paper, I think, I rhyme, I work, then I create a beautiful language.

'Friends,' I heard that word many times. But I do not know the meaning. My clumsy talking behaviour left scars in my heart, but it's fine, it totally is!

When it cracks open, it sheds some blood and for some, the blood marks woe and for some, it is their soul.

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