you and i.

28 2 11

„Can I kiss you?"
Jungkook didn't trust his own ears with what he just heard. Taehyung wants to kiss him? That couldn't be real. He must be dreaming. Caught up in his thoughts he forgot to actually answer the other and just stood there, his open ready to say something but always stopping shortly before the words could slip out. The confusion was well wirrten on Jungkook's face just as his blush. Taehyung could only chuckle at that softly. It was new to see the younger like that, looking almost fragile and embarrassed, it was very cute. That's when he decided not to wait for the answer. Slowly approaching the younger, getting even more close than they already are in that tiny space he cupped his face, softly stroking the youngers cheeks while looking him in the eye. Jungkook's heart was beating so fast and hard he was sure the other could hear it. That when he suddenly felt a warm pair of soft lips on his. It was only a peck but to Jungkook it felt so much more, that must be that cliche firework inside of you many are talking about. Almost too soon Taehyung pulled away and just smiled at him. Saying that the black haired boy looked flustered was an understatement.
„Does..does that mean you like me?" he then decided to ask carefully, not daring to look the elder in the eye since he was somewhat embarrassed to ask such an question. The first thing that left Taehyung's mouth was a chuckle „what do you think?" - „I can only think of that..I..want to kiss you again." the younger mumbled, getting quiet within the end but every world was clear. „What did you say?" Taehyung asked teasingly and that's when Jungkook went in and put his lips onto the others. He wasn't sure what to do, he never kissed a person before all he knew is that it felt great. Much to his surprise the others mouth started moving, he went along with it since it only seemed right and damn, did it feel good. Jungkook then put his arms around Taehyungs neck since he didn't know what else to do with them. That's when the elder followed but instead around the neck, he placed his hand on his hips. Both of them lost track of the time, they stood there in the janitors closet and kissing passionately but still with a lot of love. Much to Jungkook's dismay they had to seperate to catch some air. They both were panting hard, espeacially the younger. Even in the pretty dark closet Taehyung could clearly see how red the boy had gotten. He just chuckeled softly at it and leaned with his forehead against Jungkooks, looking him deep into the eyes. Then he just pulled the black haired boy into a tight hug, smiling to himself. "I don't know if it was clear but... I forgive you. I'm also at fault for jumping quickly at the conclusion you would only play, I'm sorry as well." Those words were filled with emotions and Jungkook could feel a sting in his eye he tried to push away in an instant. "Tae..." the younger mumbled quietly against Taehyungs neck since they were still hugging and the brunette melted at hearing his nickname from those lips. "Yea?" - "I think we should.. like.. hang out after school know.." As much as he tried too, Taehyung laughed hearing those words, it was just too cute. "Are you asking me out for a date?"- "I..yea, yes." Of course he agreed more than happy that they could settle stuff and even ended up kissing.

After hugging for a few others minutes just enjoying the warmth of each other they decided to leave the closet. They were a little bit careless though since they left right when everyone was stroming out of their classes. What Taehyung also didn't notice is that the janitors clostet Jungkook tragged them too was almost next to Hoseoks classroom. They were happily leaving the closet and the younger was helding hands with the other automatically that why they didn't nothice two sad and hurt eyes looking at them. Those pair belonged to Hoseok. Even though he only admitted yesterday to himself he had a crush on his best friend it hurt like he was deeply in love with him for months. Not that he wasn't happy for him, he deserved only the best in the world and he knew that Tae liked the younger boy a lot for a while now but a small part in him hoped it wouldn't work so he could take the chance. Lucky for him it was his last class already and he could leave the building. That's one good thing about graduation soon - the classes ending way earlier than usual. He decided to check out a new cafè, Taehyung told him about this one since he also discovered it a few weeks ago. 'Family Beans', it was an pretty unusual name but Hoseok liked that. When he arrived there we was in complete awe, the place looked so beautiful yet classy, it made you feel at home - maybe that's where the name came from. Not too many people were in here which he really enjoyed when it came to drinking coffee outdoors. "Hello, welcome to Family Beans! What do you want to drink?" the barista spoke to him when he reached the counter. It was a very handsome guy, he looked almost too handsome to work at a normal coffee shops. Seokjin seemed to be his name, at least that what his name tag said. Even the name - for real, men like him would be some kind of celebrity, he had to be a model or at least a famous instagramer with such an face. "U-uh... one iced Americano please." the other smiled at him and Hoseok felt his heart skip a beat. For real now?


uh. yea. it's short but... i... kinda like it? but only kind of because i loved the idea of 2seok so...enjoy this short piece of craap

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