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Today Jungkook was even more excited to go home after school than usual. He wasn't the biggest fan of school even if Jimin made his time there a lot more bearable and fun to him. Either way, this evening was going to be a special one to the young boy because he and his new player friend, Taehyung, wanted to play together today and speak through their own voice chat on Discord so no other player could interrupt them. It would be a lie if Jungkook says he wasn't looking forward to it and that it made his heart beat a little bit faster because damn, it did. He felt so excited that he wanted to tell Jimin about him and everything but he figured out to wait with that until he get to know Taehyung a little bit better because he knew that his short Hyung would go on full protection mode if he hears that, lecturing him about how dangerous it can be meeting people online since they are people that catfish others and all that stuff - Jungkook isn't dumb though, he knows it can be dangerous. But the boy was sure that Taehyung is really the person he claims to be. His mother also worked until late night again which means he doesn't have to worry on her eavesdropping on their conversation. So far he only knew that Taehyung is around his age, two years older than him to be exact and that he is living in Korea as well.

When he started the game and Discord as well he could see that the elder is already online too which let a little smile appear on Jungkooks face. Should he ask if they already want to start talking? No, that would make it obvious how excited he was, right? Before his brain would get lost in thought a sudden sound brought him back to stare at his screen.

hey, would you like to talk already?

Thank god - he wrote at first. Jungkook tried his best to not let out a squeal, that's how excited he felt when he saw that the elder sent him that message.

yea sure why not!

That's when Jungkook entered the voice-chat room in their own Discord server. Yes, the younger even made an own server for them to make sure no one would interrupt them. He had an server with some other Overwatch players he occasionally plays with but they weren't as active anymore. They would play many different other games now but Jungkook was stuck on the, still, world-wide trending game. So he waited in the voice-chat with his microphone on, not saying a word and just waiting for the other to join. In the meantime the younger watched some of his favorite music videos on YouTube, humming and singing along here and there. Much to his luck, because of the videos he didn't hear the sound of the elder joining the chat very quietly as well. Suddenly he heard a quiet 'cute' and that's when he stopped immediately, looking surprised on his first screen to see that the other indeed joined already. "Ah, sorry, did I surprise you?" could be heard all of a sudden in his headphones. Jungkook let out a small gasp when he got caught that he didn't notice. Just the sound of his voice made his heart beat faster and the young boy didn't understand. "O-oh, yea a little bit.." he answered very shyly which wasn't even his intention, he wanted to speak normal and not stutter but for some reason it just doesn't go the way he planned to. Taehyung then let out a little chuckle and if his voice didn't make Jungkook crazy already, it's definitely time to freak out now. Not wasting too much time the boys got ready to play Overwatch now. While they played the elder would talk non-stop about literally anything and it was adorable. How excited he sounded as soon as he started talking about his favorite artists and how much he loved to sing - Jungkook really could listen to him talking forever. And the boy started feeling comfortable pretty soon around him, started talking more by their 6 th game and opening up to him a bit. Telling him a little bit of his life but also not too much and he was surprised by himself. It's not something usual for the black haired boy to open up to someone easily and quick but

Taehyung was different, he had a feeling since they began writing that the elder can be nice and he wasn't wrong at all, you could almost say he underestimated how amazing it was to talk to him. After their 10 th game they both weren't much motivated anymore to play, even if they won over a half of them. As soon as he quit the game, Jungkook felt shy again. Without any background noises or anything, just Taehyung and him now. "So Kookie, you haven't told me a lot about you so far." the nickname made his heart skip a beat and in a positive way which he didn't expect at all. "I don't know what's there to say about me.." again, in a shy tone. "Then let me just ask you some stuff: are you gay?" that came so unexpected for the younger he almost choked on his on salvia. Never before did he just say it to someone, mostly everyone figured out by themselves that he is. "Yes, you?" when he said that Jungkook wanted to facepalm himself, there's no way a normal man would ask you if you're gay if they're not as well, or at least bi. Taehyung didn't seem to mind and just shared another one of those adorable chuckels with the younger. "Yeah I am but I didn't come out yet officially because I'm a little bit scared?"Jungkook just let out an understanding sound at that. To him Taehyung didn't really seem like he'd be so shy but everyone has some secrets now and then. "Did you came out though?" he already feared this question would follow and that's where he felt a bit uncomfortable now. The last time he spoke about this event was when he met Jimin, ever since that it never once crossed his mind or left his lips. The long pause made the elder assume that Jungkook didn't want to talk about it "You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable." For some reason however, the young boy was more comfortable with the thought that he assumed he would be. "No, it's fine I can tell you. I trust you but it's quite a lot: it happened almost three years ago when I had witnessed that thing people call 'first love'. He was way more popular than me, played in the basketball team and - damn, he was pretty. One day I told myself to confess since he gave me from time to time some stares that just seemed so right? You know? So I prepared to confess to him after break when everyone was already going to the classes again to be sure no one could catch us, even if I would come late to my class. To my luck someone of his douche friends noticed that I called him because I wanted to tell him something and after I confessed he just screamed through the whole hallway 'Jeon Jungkook just confessed to a guy!' and then it started to go down and school turned into hell for me. Everyone would give me disgusted stares, throw slurs at me and at some point they even to physically hurt me. With my first love - he never did something. When I'm not completely blind I think he felt bad for me? But sometimes he would went along with his friends and call me 'faggot' or something as well. On one day it went too far with their physical abuse and I ran away from school into a random coffee shop where I met another person very important to me. After that he helped me to change stuff and persuaded me to transfer to another school in my hometown that is basically on the other side from his shop, Daeye-" that's when the younger stopped, realizign he almost said the name of his high school. It was actually almost the full name already but he hoped that the other man didn't know that school out of many. "That- I'm so sorry to hear that. " Taehyung answered with a slightly sad tone in his voice. "Ah, no, it's alright though." that's what he wants to believe but somehow he still felt a little sting in his heart thinking about this time. "I have one question though if you don't mind..?" the boy on the other side asked him, sounding a bit unsecure while doing so. Jungkook just let our an approving sound, the question couldn't be so bad, right? "That coffee shop you were talking about doesn't happen to be 'family beans', right?" - "What? No, I never heared of that place before but it sounds lovely!" Jungkook answered very fast, following a nervous laugh. "Really? Because you have a strong dialect that sounds like Busan and I live there and I know the Daeyeon high school, but I'm sure they are similar school to that. " Now Jungkook is more than shocked - he lives in Busan? His hometown? The young boy doesn't know now if he should be excited or not. Did he go to his old school and hear about him? Or does he go to his recent school? What if he saw him some day but didn't know it was him? That was quite a lot for him to progress now so he told Taehyung he needs to hang up since a new course starts tomorrow for him and he needed to get up early, which was half the truth.

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