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Just like every other school day they met in the morning at 'family beans', their favorite coffee shop. Ever since Jungkook transferred to Jimin's school and got close to each other, it became a daily routine for them to meet at that lovely coffee shop that was almost right next to their school. Not only because the coffee there tasted amazing and the shop was small and cozy decorated, no, it mainly was because the owner was no one else than a very important person to Jungkook - Kim Seokjin. Espeacially rainy summer days like the one today made him remember how he met him.

It was a funny first meeting if he thinks about it now. Other's would rather see it as a sad way to meet someone else. Three years ago Jungkook ran into this coffee shop being extremely wet but not only because of the rain outside. He ran away from school that day which he usally never did, regardless of how bad they hurt him. On that day however it was too much for him. To the verbal abuse he got used, not that he wasn't affected by it when they threw other insults at him but he got almost numb. No reaction on his face whenever it happened. After that it grew even to another form of bullying when they had sports and changed. Some guys throwing him disgusted looks, others trying to provoke his virgin self. Jungkook never once felt comfortable with that but to the disgusted looks he got used. The day he met Seokjin, however, they started punching him on the schools backyard after classes were over and everyone left. It was the basketball team, like always. After they were finshed with beating Jungkook black and blue they started leaving, not even bothering to look back once on how the condition of the younger was. He was laying on the ground crying, hugging his feet and pulling them close to himself. There was something in his mouth that tasted strong and salty, almost ironish and Jungkook was sure he was bleeding inside. Not only did they kicked in his stomach a few times until the younger was laying on the ground, they started with pulling him roughly out of the school and then threw punches right into his face. Jungkook would have probably been there a bit longer if it didn't start to rain, which made him gain all the strength he had left in his body to run back him. Halfway there he stopped - no, he can't go home looking like that. His mother would worry to death and that is something Jungkook doesn't want to do to her since she worked so much already and had to look after their old grandmother as well. After stopping in his tracks to think where he could go to a coffee shop crossed his view. It looked empty so he wouldn't get any weird looks from other customers which was perfect, exactly the thing he wanted. Slowly he entered the coffee shop and it looked very lovely, it gave Jungkook a safe feeling but he also started to freeze a bit after steping inside since he was drenched with cold rain. "Welcome to family be- oh my god what happend to you?" a man in his mid twenties said, ranning to Jungkook and holding him softly on his shoulders. Jungkook tried to say something but no words where leaving his mouth. "It's okay, you don't have to talk about it. Let's look after your injuries first and get you into some dry clothes you poor thing!" and that's what they did. Later he found out that the man's name was Kim Seokjin and he was the owner of this coffee shop. Probably the first person after his mother that cared so much for even and they didn't even knew each other. Seokjin was so kind to look at his face, playing some cold ice onto his blue eye and on his cheek. He even lend him some dry clothes, they were a little too big on him but Jungkook didn't mind. After he was all patched up the elder made him a big cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. Jungkook then started telling his whole story of not only today but how it even started in the first place. The elder was shooked to hear it and promised to be there for him at any time and he held his promise.

Now they are here, almost three years later. It would always warm his heart a little when he saw the younger that grew so much on him being truthfully happy, having a friend at his side that he could trust. It wasn't easy for Jimin at first when he got introduced to Seokjin, the elder watching him closely and asking him all kinds of questions. For a whole month the black haired barista would watch Jimin strictly when he entered his cafe but soon he could see he was a trustfull person and that he would never hurt Jungkook in any kind of way, espeacially not in the way the guys from his old school did. Seokjin also got used to their routine of visiting the shop in the morning before going to school, always having their cups ready when they came in. Jimin's go to was a white mocha and Jungkook took a caramel macchiato. "Geez, Jungkookie you look terrible!" said the elder to him as they entered the room. He was right, today he didn't look that great. Seokjin assumed that he was playing that stupid game again but before the elder could start scolding him again the younger was quick to throw his hands in the hair, stopping him from doing so: "I swear I wasn't playing Overwatch that long!" even his short friend looked confused as the younger started talking. It was half the truth though, his long night started with playing Overwatch but he ended up texting the whole night with Taehyung. Without even noticing Jungkook started blushing slightly at the thought.

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