
23 3 14

When the bell rang which signaled school was over for today, Jungkook immediately got up from his seat leaving a surprised Taehyung behind.
The boy couldn't wait to see Seokjin and tell him all about this situation because it messes with his brain.
They met at his coffee shop ‚family beans', yes his hyung had his very own coffee shop. At first he thought the name was weird but by now he started to like it, there was something cute to it.
Just when he entered the shop for not even half a minute, he could already see the owner approaching him.
„Aah, Jungkookie!! So good to see you again!" the elder excitingly said to him while he pulled him into a hug which Jungkook returned awkwardly.
„It's been literally only a week."
„Exactly, way too long. Let me just grab our coffees and then let's talk."
While Seokjin went to at the counter to make their coffees, Jungkook headed to their typical table in the corner of the shop next to a window.
Soon his Hyung came back with two Americanos in his hand and put them on the table, talking a seat in front of Jungkook.
„So, spill the tea."
„I wrote you already that he's in my class but it's even more complicated. You know I play overwatch nearly everyday, right? So one day I met a boy on there who seemed pretty damn nice because he played hella good and liked IU. We started to write nearly everyday and stuff like that.
Then I was walking to school one day listening to IU as usual when I suddenly got the text from this boy saying that he is walking behind his crush who listens to IU right now - to the exact same song I listened to. At first I thought it was a coincidence but I decided to turn around and see who it was when we bumped into each other.
Guess what? Yea, then the boy texted me again saying he just bumped into his crush which name is by the way Jungkook."
Seokjin looked at him with more than just an shocked expression.
„Oh my god is this a goddamn Hollywood movie?"
Jungkook wished it was because then the situation would probably be easier to handle.
While they talked to each other about his feelings and how he should handle the whole situation they didn't notice someone entering the shop and watching them from the distance.
„ all these feelings I get when I talk to him, you are sure it's a crush?"
„Jungkook yes. Have you never seen any typical teenager romance?"
Said boy let out a frustrated sigh.
„Tell him Kookie. Who knows what happens when you hide all that for longer."
„Of course I will just go up to him and say: hey, I'm the guy you talked to in overwatch and I'm crushing on you."

Taehyung didn't want to eavesdrop, he knows it is wrong but he couldn't help himself.
To his bad he only heard the part where Jungkook told the one sitting in front of him ‚I'm crushing on you'. Not anything else they talked about. This brought up a awful feeling into his stomach and he swore something got into his eye since they got watery.

he likes someone else kookie of course

Jungkook phone then lit up on his table and he could see it was Taehyung writing him.
When he read the name his eyes lit up and a small grin find its way onto his face.
Seokjin was sure it has to be the guy he talked about who wrote him.
Immediately he unlocked his phone just let the smile fade away again.
„what's wrong?"
He got ignored by a Jungkook who just stared at his phone shocked.
So he must be in the shop and heard their talk.

omg no
no he's just my hyung
those words weren't meant for him

The answer was typed way too fast than the younger could think about.
He only realized what he wrote when Taehyung answered him.

the hell

another shitty chapter bc I needed to update this soon since i was to caught up in my other fic

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