dear name.

14 2 12

The next morning came and Jungkook didn't want to get up. Not that he ever wants to go to school though, but today is even worse. How can he look at Taehyung now? The elder didn't let him explain the situation yesterday and that wouldn't change so fast. The project was still going and due tomorrow and they were working together on it, how could that possibly go well today?
On his way to school he actually kept his eyes open to catch a glimpse of Taehyung but he was nowhere to be seen which is strange, yesterday morning it looked like they shared the almost same way.
Arriving in the class room he could see the brunette in his seat with head buried deep in a book, not daring to look up when Jungkook took the seat next to him. He really wanted to say something, he couldn't bear the feeling seeing the boy so sad because of a misunderstanding but to be honest he was scared. Would he even believe him? But if he never tries explaining it he's going to regret it in the future for a hundred percent. So he collected his thoughts and came up with a way to start the conversation right just when someone comes up to their table - to be exact he's going to Taehyung. Jungkook spent the whole math lession looking at him. As much as he wanted to not stare, he couldn't help it but the elder didn't seem to notice that. Luckily.
„Tae! How about we're eating lunch together today? We barely did it lately!" a red haired, very happy looking person said as he came up to their table. If he wasn't confused already as to why he knew Taehyung, he definitely is now when this guy put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer. Now something inside Jungkook was boiling, he didn't like the way this dude was touching him.
„Ah Hoseokie-Hyung, hello. Of course, why not?" So his name was Hoseok, very interesting.

Jungkook couldn't help himself and text the boy immediately - curiosity got the best of him.

who's this? do you like him...?

He fixes his gaze on Taehyung after he sent the message, waiting for some kind of reaction from the other when he read it but nothing.Of course he was left on read. It didn't surprise him, the other seems to still be mad at him and rightly so. It still annoyed him that he really plays the ignore-card on Jungkook now. They still had to do the project, he can't ignore him that long, at least he hopes so. After a few minutes the bell rang and it was time for the lunchbreak and this Hoseok dude pulled Taehyung out of the classroom with an disgutingly happy smile on his face. The worst about it was that Taehyung seemed very happy too. Not that he hates seeing him happy, gosh, it's the complete opposite. His smile is so beautiful he deserves to be happy all the time - but he wants to be the one making him happy like that.

On the table he sat with a few of his friends together, including Jimin. They all were talking and laughing together while eating, only Jungkook wasn't part of the conversation because he glued his gaze on Hoseok and Taehyung. What almost drove him nuts was the touchiness between those two, most of it coming from Hoseok. They looked like a couple at their beginning, being all lovey-dovey and stuff. Couple... the more he thought of it, it could be true. Completly forgetting about all the reasons that should be more than convincing they aren't a couple Jungkook pulled out his phone and decided to text Taehyung again.

are you guys dating?

is that any of your buisness?

Actually, yes it is because for some reason I have those feelings towards you people like to describe as love. Jungkook thought while looking more than shooked at the reply he got. That didn't sound like the Taehyung he knew at all. Jimin seemed to notice something was off with their youngest on the table and would look at him concerned. "Is everything alright Kookie?" it caught him off guard and he flinched a little. For how long was he watching these lovebirds now? "Ah yea.. everything's fine Hyung." Immediately Jimin knew nothing was wrong, it wasn't usual for Jungkook using honorifics willingly, without him getting scolded. "It's still him, isn't it?" he asked again, this time it was more a whisper while pointing his head slighlty to Taehyung. Jungkook just nooded at it, not wanting the others to know about it just now. The rest of the lunchbreak Jungkook remained silent, a little laugh escaping his lips because of stupid stuff they said. He couldn't bear it anymore, he wanted to talk to him. But he was getting ignored and that's what drove him even more wild. He needed a plan to get Taehyungs attention somehow. Soon enough the bell rang and everyone went back to the classroom, including Taehyung and himself. To his luck, Hoseok seemed to have other classes now than them and that's when he saw his opportunity. Jungkooks steps would get quicker and longer so he could catch up with the brunette and block his way. "Taehyung, please, we need to talk." the other just look at him... annoyed? Okay, he did not expect that. "Leave." was the reply he got cold-hearted. Oh no, he's not just gonna leave like that. That's when Jungkook decided to do the next best thing that came into his mind.

He grabbed Taehyung by the wrist and pulled him into the janior closet not too far away, closing the door. It was a small space so they were almost pressed together in there. Great, how should he now talk to Taehyung normal without stuttering like a child? "Are you crazy we're going to miss the class!" it sounded like a scold to Jungkook at which he just looked at the ground. He always kept that 'bad boy' image, talking back to others instantly when they said something to him but with Taehyung in front of him, all that seemed to fade away. Still looking at his own feet, moving them nervously he started to talk "Can you please hear me out..?" it came out as a whisper and for a short second Taehyung thought the younger would start to cry. He just sighed at that which was a sign for Jungkook to take his - probably - only chance. He took one deep breath before starting to lay out all the thoughts that haunting his head since that day. "Look, I'm more than sorry for what happend at the coffee shop. I really never wanted you to think I did it for fun or something else. Fuck, Tae, I do like you. Believe it or not, you make me feel things I didn't know I was capable of feeling? I would always blush when you called me by my nickname or just called be cute and everything. My stomach would feel all weird whenever I got a message from you or I thought about you. When I see you smile my heart would beat faster and - gosh, I even got jealous, can you believe that? I want to be the one that makes you smile, I want to hold you close to me and call you mine and-" he just now realized he was rambling a lot, embarressed he look up at the elder who was looking very confused. "Gosh, what are you doing to me Taehyung.." the younger leanded back against the wall and looked hopeless. So it seems he assumed right and Hoseok and him where a thing together? "Jungkook...." Tae suddenly said and his face lit up, looking him deeply in the eyes.

"Can I kiss you?"


yo damn. im actually kinda proud of the last paragraph. the rest is kinda trash but the end 👌🏼

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