[30k Storyline Split]

4.1K 142 175

Wow you guys are the best.

I think my favorite part about posting a chapter is watching the really nice things y'all say appear.

like seriously y'all are awesome.

i also think the comments with you guys getting mad about Michael dying are tasty.


anyways we totally hit 30k!!!

and the timeline is totally gonna rewind again. duh.

You have two options. When I list them out, make an in-line comment on the option you would like.

Please keep it at one vote per person. It makes it easier for me to count.

Also, try not to reply to any comments on the votes.

aight here we go

Option 1: You get your Squip back.

Option 2: You don't get your Squip back.

these options are totally detrimental to the storyline but I'm not gonna give details (:

alas, to squip, or not to squip.

Voting closes as soon as the next Chapter is published.

Thank you guys for 30k reads!!!

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