||Chapter Three||

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You two stared at each other for a long time.

It's where the skin loses color, because of the lack of melanin. The body is believed to attack the cells, and it causes people to develop white spots on their skin.

"..You have vitiligo...?" You say quietly.

He wasn't sobbing anymore, but tears were still flowing.

He nodded, with a saddened expression. He stood up and looked away from you.

"You probably think I'm some freak, right?" He gave a stale laugh.

Causes of vitiligo are unknown, but it's believed to be linked to stress.

"Not at all." You say.

He turned around and looked at you.

The spots could be seen on his eyelids, jawline, neck, and the corners of his mouth.

"The treatments don't work for me, and my mom doesn't want to take all of the pigment out of my skin. So I just cover it up, ya know..? I've dyed my hair countless times, too." He sighed.

There is no known cure for vitiligo.

"But..." You started.

Michael turned around completely.

"You look fine. I don't think you're a freak. I think it.... I think it looks kinda cool." You smile.

"Thanks." He let a sigh escape.

"Please don't tell anyone about this. You're the only one besides my mother that knows." Michael frowned, sitting back down.

"I thought it was something worse." You sighed in relief.

Michael was still shaking, and his face was puffy from crying.

You looked over to him, and hesitantly moved closer.

Comfort him.

You stand up and speed walk over to him, and just kneel down and hug him.

Without hesitating, he clung to you.

Your Squip was clapping in the background.

"I think it's kinda funny that we formally met with you comforting me as I was crying. Now it's the other way around." You smiled, hugging him tighter.

"Yeah." He sniffled. You could hear the smile in his voice.

"Now-" He released his grip, and sat back on the bean bag.

"I'm... gonna go wash this stuff off." He sighed, climbing up the ladder.

Now you were alone in Michael's basement.

Looking around, things started to confuse you even more.

How did he afford all of this? I mean, even with... What was his name?



Oh. Jeremy.

||Priority|| (Michael Mell x Reader) [Be More Chill]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz