||Chapter Four|| {Part One}

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"What? Like, are you saying one of those catchphrases? Or is that your actual last name??" You opened the door a little wider.

"U-Uh, Heere is my last name." He stuttered.

You snickered.

"One second~" You closed the door in his face temporarily.

"Hey Michael, Jeremy's Heere." You busted out laughing in front of him, but he wasn't laughing.

He looked shocked; he had dropped his controller on the ground.

You looked at him, confused.

"I'll be a minute." He said mindlessly, walking to the bathroom.

He didn't even laugh at your pun. What.

...He came back out of the bathroom with his incredibly unneeded concealer on.

You ran back over to the door, and opened it to Jeremy again.

Michael stood behind you, eyeing him suspiciously.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

You broke into fits of laughter again.

"I-I just wanted to know why... I haven't seen you lately." Jeremy said quietly.

He's partly drunk.

...And has a Squip.

"What..? Jeremy, I've been trying to talk to you for a week now. You don't answer my calls, texts... You don't even look when I say your name in the halls!" Michael's breath turned shaky as you stopped laughing.

Jeremy looked confused for a second, then got defensive.

"Whatever! I've never once heard you in the hall! A-And there's nothing missed from your contact on my phone, look-" He stopped talking as he scrolled through his phone.

"Your contact's gone." He breathed.

Michael crossed his arms.

"Right. Why is that?" Michael's tone turned toxic.

"I-I don't know." Jeremy got quiet.

Slipping his phone in his back pocket, he looked back up to Michael.

"I don't understand why... I.. Maybe it's doing it?" Jeremy scratched his head in deep thought.

Michael's eyes thinned, and he scoffed.

"Whatever. Just.... I'm not in the mood for this right now. Maybe you can talk with me about it later." Michael turned his back to Jeremy.

You sat there awkwardly, of course.

Get away from Jeremy. His Squip is not in Safety Mode. If the Squip resumes function, it could negatively affect you.

You took a few steps away from Jeremy.

The alcohol is wearing off. Get out of there!

You look back to Michael for a second, hesitating.

You have to listen! Run!

The Squip's pleads turned frantic, and you pushed Jeremy out of the way as you dashed out onto the street.

It all happened pretty fast.

The headlights, screeching of tires, and frantic phone dials.

Everything went black.

||Priority|| (Michael Mell x Reader) [Be More Chill]Where stories live. Discover now