||Chapter Five||

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It was the middle of the day.

The box of cereal was still on the counter. The game was still on.

The apartment was silent.

Your aunt was still sleeping, for some odd reason.

Your phone sat on the beanbag, still.

Only silence.

"Is she going to be okay?!" Michael frantically asked.

"She has a broken arm, and fractures in both her nose and rib cage. She was hit pretty hard." The doctor sighed.

You were still unconscious, laying on the hospital bed.

Michael was shaking, standing in your room.

He was only let in because of alleged claims that he was your boyfriend.

The doctor held a clipboard, and grumbled at some words on the sheet.

"There's also some unknown matter in her brain. We don't know what it is." He marveled at the data.

"But, it's not posing any visible immediate harm to her right now. So we're going to focus on the broken things." The doctor held a humored smile.

Michael nodded, looking back to you.

"Does she have any immediate family?"
"I... uh..."

Michael didn't know. But what kind of boyfriend would he be if he showed that?

The doctor looked back with an understanding smile.

"It's okay. I know you're not really dating her. People do this all the time. I'll just ask her when she wakes up." The doctor smiled to Michael, who smiled a little in return.

Michael relaxed.

Your phone buzzed.

Auntie: Heya! You doing okay?
Auntie: Hello?
Auntie: I'm sorry for being all pushy, but I'm a little worried.
Auntie: (Y/n)..?
Auntie: ???

It had been a whole day and you still weren't awake yet.

Michael stayed in the room with you the whole time.

It was only him.

Until, your Aunt busted through the door.

"O-Oh no..." She shakily breathed at your disheveled state.

She flashed a glance back to Michael.

"Who did this?" She began to cry softly.

"I, uh, don't know... A vehicle hit her and kept going." Michael fiddled his thumbs nervously.

Your aunt just sobbed.

And then, like one of those cheesy movies, your eyes opened at the most convenient time.

You tried to sit up, you ended up falling back down and hissing in pain.

Everything felt weak.

Your Squip was nowhere to be found.

Your aunt's eyes widened and she hugged you.

"Ow, ow..." You mumbled.

"Sorry!" She quickly let go.

You coughed.

Michael just blinked, seemingly in a shocked state.

He quickly scrambled to your side.

"Y-You're okay!" He exclaimed.

||Priority|| (Michael Mell x Reader) [Be More Chill]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz