||Chapter Two||

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This was it.

You were totally stumped.

You heard some yelling from the other side of the wall.
Which, was Michael's apartment.
You assumed his mom was there, because it was a feminine voice.

"Take out the trash, Michael!!"

He's going to exit his apartment in about thirty seconds. Maybe you can ask about it?

You stood up quickly and darted out of your room and to the front door. You opened it and peeped over to Michael's door, which opened promptly.

Michael walked out with a bag of trash. His face showed complete frustration. Maybe a video game session was interrupted?

You noticed he was wearing another jacket, but this one was a darker red.

And it had no patches sewn on.

"Michael!" You shouted from your door.

You must've surprised him, because he jumped and dropped the bag.

He slowly turned around.

"S-Sorry!!" You say quietly.

His angry expressed faltered when he noticed it was you.

"Oh, (Y/n)! Hey." He smiled, picking the bag back up.

Wait! Don't ask him directly. Go hang out with him first. He has to be comfortable.

"Hey! You mentioned me coming over sometime, so why not today?" You opened your door a little more.

"Sure! Let me go throw ...this... away." He glared at the trash bag again, and ran downstairs to the dumpster.

Which, was very far from safe, since it was raining.

He ran back up to his door. You couldn't tell if he was sweating, since he just ran into the rain.

His expression suddenly turned to a worried one as he glanced down to his arm.

"BE RIGHT BACK!!" He shouted nervously as he sprinted into his house and slammed the door behind him.

After a few moments, he opened the door and invited you to come in.

"I'm gonna go to a friend's house!" You called to your aunt.

"Okay! Text me when you get back; I'll be working my shift at the bar!" She answered back.

You went back to grab your phone and Michael's jacket. After that, you sorta walked into his apartment.

He was waiting for you just behind the door. His face was miraculously dry, and clean.

"Follow me!!" He said, leading you deeper into the house.

His room was definitely a sight to see.

Wow! How does he even afford this??

The room was covered in countless brands of merchandise. He also had some old-school vintage stuff, too.

Your mouth stood agape, but you soon closed it when your Squip told you to.

"I know, awesome right?? Me and my buddy combined our money to make this work, since he and I hang here the most. And this isn't even the best part!"

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