I grabbed a face cloth from the cupboard and then went back to Harry. I took his shirt, shoes, socks, and trousers off, leaving him with only his boxers. He made a move to pull those off too, but I made sure to make it very clear that tonight wasn't a good night for him to be getting all "free".

"But I'm more comfortable with 'em off..." He said as I wet the cloth and tried to clean him up a bit. I handed him a toothbrush so he could get the stench of alcohol off of his breath- that was rank.

"Yeah, well I'm not." I countered- after everything, I don't think that was a good idea. Harry looked up at me, staring at my face. I thought of returning his gaze, but honestly was too scared.

"Oh...is it 'cuz you know 'm gay?" He said miserably. "'m sorry. I know you hate me now. I know everyone does. I've ruined everything, I'm so sorry." He said, sounding like he was going to cry. Sure enough, a moment later there was a warm tear on my arm. I looked down at his face, suddenly unable to help it. He spit out the toothpaste and rinsed, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. Okay- ew. I wasn't cleaning him just for the drunk to go and do that.

I know he said he didn't like me, and I know that when he is sober, this will probably piss him off, but I had to help the poor lad out. I felt so horrible, and I couldn't bear to see him so down on himself. None of this was his fault! If anything, it was mine!

"Hazz, you haven't ruined anything," I said, giving him a big hug. I helped him out of the bathroom and into his bed as he stumbled around and cried. "And no one hates you now- and never will. You're too awesome to hate- even I haven't managed to!" I said, smiling. It was dark, but I know he could see my face. He stopped crying, and I wiped the tears off his adorable cheeks, suddenly wishing that our feelings were mutual. My feelings...how did i say I felt about him again?

"And, you cheeky monkey, It would be uncomfortable for anyone to be naked randomly, not just you." I explained to him. He nodded miserably, his curly hair everywhere. It was literally sticking up every which way- it was quite comical really, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked curiously. I ruffled his hair.

"The mess you've got going on atop your head mate." I chuckled.

I stopped almost instantly, because he started balling again, throwing his hands over his hair, rolling around like an idiot. I tried to calm him down, stopping him from moving and potentially falling off the bed.

"Harry Harry! I was kidding mate! Its super handsome right now!" I said reassuringly. It was honestly a mess yeah, but the cutest mess I had ever seen. I loved him just then, I couldn't help it- he was so damn adorable.

Ugh, God, did I just admit that? Damn, I need to work on this.

"Nooooo!" He moaned. "'S horrid! An' 's not fair!" I couldn't help but laughing.

"Why's that?" He slammed his hands down at his side, trying to stop crying.

"Be-because yours is always p-p-perfect!" I smiled down at him, wiping away his tears again.

"There's no such thing as perfect." I smiled reassuringly.

"Well you are..." He pouted, throwing himself on his stomach. I couldn't even say anything after that. He thought...he thought I was perfect? I didn't know how I felt about that.

It was really sweet, and I loved the thought that he had made me out to be perfect. It made my heart swell to think that, since he usually told me I was a useless idiot. But, at the same time, it made me sad, because I know just how imperfect I was. I figured Harry had spent a long enough time with me to see how childish, hyper, and annoying I was, but I guess I needed to give it a couple more weeks.

"I wish I was good enough for ya..." I heard myself whisper, just realizing I had been patting his back gently.

"Diddo..." Harry groaned his face still in the pillow. I froze, surprised that he was still lucid. I guess I should have realized he wasn't sleeping, since his snores usually shook the whole room, but...

What had he meant? Was he too drunk to even form proper sentences or..? I decided it was easier to just not think about this one, and slid off the bed. When I reached the door, I heard Harry utter some gibberish with my name in it, so I stopped and looked back.

"What's that Hazza?"I asked.

"Ghdndm....somefinnn...gunna tellyaa...tummorr'." He managed to get out. He had to tell me something tomorrow? Is that right? Oh well, it didn't matter. He wasn't going to be telling me anything that I really wanted to hear. He was probably just going to apologize again, and explain how he was sorry for kissing me...something I really wasn't looking forward to. I hadn't been sorry...

"Sleep off the hangover- we have a big show tomorrow mate." I called over to him.

"Yea...th' bunniezin ma closet..."

What a light weight.


Sorry It's so short!! Its just a filler- I didn't wanna have a conversation with Harry being all drunk, for reasons being that I just remembered. Next chapter I swear something will be said! (oh...spoiler a lil' bit I guess aha)

I Hated Everything About You (Larry Stylinson) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now