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After crying for 10 minutes or so I decided I needed to get away.  I put on my tennis shoes, grabbed a light jacket, and raced outside.  I didn't want to be seen by Luca.

I started walking down the street, not really having a plan on where I was going.

Then I decided I was going to go to my place.  I had spent the whole past summer here.  And the best part was, no one but me knew about it.  

I walked for about 20 minutes and finally arrived at my riverside place.  I didn't have a book with me like I usually did when I came here, but it was nice to be alone in a place that I was comfortable in.  I had stopped crying at this point, but I was still devastated that I had hurt Luca.


--Back at Luca's House--

Luca finally walked out of his study.  He started to make his way upstairs to look for Nani and talk with her about their fight.  When he got to his room he found that she wasn't there. 

"Hmm. That's weird, I thought I heard her slam the door"  He said confused.

Luca walked downstairs to the kitchen where he saw all of Nani's things still on the table.

Even more confused, and now frustration building up, Luca said, "Weird.  She isn't here either..."

"Nani??!!!" Luca yelled throughout the house as he searched room by room for Nani.  After searching he still couldn't find her.  So he decided to call her.

The phone rang through and there was no answer.  He called again.  No answer again.  He called one more time.  "Come on Nani, pick up".  No answer.  He left a voice message that said "Nani. Where are you darling?  I'm worried about you.  Please call me back."


--At Nani's Riverside Place--

I purposefully let the phone ring through.  I didn't want to talk to Luca or anyone right now.

I sat out there for an hour or so.  It was peaceful.  Just enjoying the surroundings.  The wind blowing softly, and just all around peace.  

My phone rang again.  It was Luca.  I decided to answer. 

"Hello?"  I answered.

"NANI!  Oh my god!"  Luca was out of breath.  "Darling where are you?"  I could hear the hurt in his voice. He had been crying.  "I'm so sorry Nani. Where are you?"  He asked again.

"I'm headed back now."  I said getting up and starting to walk towards Luca's house.  "I'll be home in 20 minutes."

"I'll come get you.  Where are you darling?"

"Luca I'll be home soon."  I hung up.


--Back at Luca's House--

I finally got back to Luca's house.  I slowly opened the door to find him sitting at the kitchen counter with his head in his hands.  I could hear him crying.  I quietly shut the door and walked over to him.  He hadn't heard me and was still sitting there.  I noticed that tears were rolling down his face.  I wrapped my arms around him, and he quickly got up and grabbed me tightly.  

"Nani!!!"  He said holding me tightly.  "I'm so sorry darling.  Please don't ever do that to me again."  He started crying and pulled me in tighter.  I tightened my grip around him as well.

"Luca,"  I said backing off for a second.  "I'm sorry for not paying attention in class.  I can't focus with my boyfriend as my teacher. I zone off and think of our future together. And I just can't help not being-"  He cut me off with a kiss.

"Nani.  I love you.  I'm sorry.  I promise you I will work better to help you understand the material.  Just please promise me you will never leave me like that again?  You had me worried sick."

"I promise."  He wrapped his arms around me as I said this.  "I need a shower though Luca."

"I agree on that statement."  He said laughing, and taking a step back from me.

I playfully hit him, and we both walked up to his bedroom where I then walked into the bathroom to shower.


I got out of the shower and wrapped myself up inside the towel.  Luca walked by me headed towards the bathroom to shower, and on his way kissed me on the cheek.  

When he got out of the shower he walked into the bedroom and asked me, "How does a nice dinner sound tonight darling? My treat."

I nodded and he kissed me softly.  There are some dresses and shoes in your closet room if you want to go over there and get ready.  He kissed my cheek, and I nodded.  As I was walking out of the room, he said to me "I love you Nani."

And I replied "I love you too Luca."

That's Not AllowedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora