Detention Done HIS Way

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He swept me off my feet and then started walking.  I could only tell where we were going because the couch was getting smaller as we moved farther away.  This meant we were either going out the front door or upstairs....and I had a strong feeling we were not going outdoors with my teacher carrying me over his shoulder and his hand on my ass.

We got up the stairs and he stood outside my room for a second.  I was extremely nervous because I didn't want him thinking I was some little kid.  I had pink walls, and stuffed animals on my bed.  I probably had a few shirts laying on the ground too.  

I mean he had seen my room before, but he was here taking care of me that night, and based on his hand placement I think that tonight was going to be a different kind of being taken care of.  

Not only was I nervous about him seeing my room, but also because I was scared of what he would think of me...well like that.  First off, I was a virgin.  My first kiss was with him at least, and because of my rambling session that one day he knew that I was a virgin.  So yes he was aware, but it didn't make it any less scary on whether I would be good enough?  I mean I'd be a fool to think that a man as attractive as he is isn't a virgin.  He probably had girls all over him throughout high school.  

'Oh god'...I thought to myself.  The underwear and bra I have on were not sexy in any way, shape, or form.  They were pink super girl panties that I decided to wear under my dress today.  And the bra was just a plain black t-shirt bra.  It didn't make my boobs look great.  

I definitely wouldn't meet up to his expectations like this.


All this rushed through my head for the 15 seconds we stood in front of the door.  Then he reached his free hand out and opened the door.  He carried me inside and then placed me down on the bed.

Here it was.   I was about to lose my virginity to a man I barely knew, and on top of that he was my teacher!  My body tensed up.

Oh my god.  

My legs began to shake and I could see a smirk rise across his face.

Then he kissed my cheek softly.  

Was this what it was going to be like?

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm a senior in high school.  I know what sex entails.  I know that the first time isn't quite as pleasurable as others.  But I had had dreams about what my first time might be like.  

It was going to be with someone I loved....well, unfortunately I didn't LOVE Luca yet.

It was going to be meaningful.

It was going to be passionate.

It was going to be at a pace I could handle...where I could set a tone.

It was going to be my mind.

Was that what was about to happen?

I mean he did just kiss me softly on the cheek.

I wouldn't mind it with Luca.  He was definitely hot as hell and I'm sure could meet the standards in bed.  It would be really good sex.  I started looking at his body thinking about what he was going to do and how good it would feel.  I started to get into a little more.  I really started thinking and maybe I did want him.  It wasn't my perfect way, but it sure was going to passionate and hot. And on top of all of this I would love to see Luca's body without a shirt on again. 

Luca then backed away from me.  

"Here's your detention darling." He said with that smirk.

Wait what..... 

"I'm sorry but I am really confused."

"Seems to be a common feeling for you recently Nani." He laughed.

"Okay Luca, funny.  But you have to understand where I'm coming from with everything that has happened in simply just the first week of school."

I sat there puzzled with what was going on.

"Here is my number darling" He said as he entered his phone number into my phone.  "I expect a text before I get home"

"Home?"  Now I was really confused.  What was all this build up for about a 'detention his way' then?

"Yes darling.  Your punishment is that I'm not staying the night with you."

I just sat there for a second.

"Oh sweetheart, did you think tonight was going to be the night that I rocked your world?"

I sat up straight because that's truly what I thought was going to happen.

"No darling, my little virgin" he laughed a little.

"Okay you know what Luca, it's not funny". I interrupted him.

"I'm sorry." He responded "But it does play a factor because the night I make you mine is going to be perfect for both of us.  Trust me I want you just as bad as I can see that you want me."

I gasped.  Ugh He noticed again.  Then he chuckled a little.


I rolled my eyes.  "Thanks..."

"I'm serious about that text missy."

"Fine I got it." I rolled my eyes again and giggled.

"Goodnight darling." He said then kissed me on the cheek and walked out of the house.


I can't believe that really just happened.  Luca just left.  Nothing.  He made it seem like tonight was going to be the night.  

Oh well.  I guess he did care about me because he said that it would be perfect.

At this point I changed into some comfy pj's and had gotten into bed.  I rolled over on my side to grab my phone and opened it up to Luca's contact.  I saw that he put a little red heart emoji next to it.  "Cute". I said trying to sound like he does.  

I then proceeded to text him "You are truly evil"

Within seconds there was a response "Oh really? Because I think evil is you flaunting your amazing body all day in that sexy dress <3"

I blushed.  Then another message popped up and read "Trust me babe, not being by your side tonight is much more of a punishment for me than you."

"Yea mhm I'm really sure about that" I responded.

"Whatever little miss virgin who obviously wants me more than a good grade in my class"

I gasped out loud again.  "Hey Luca...shutup!"

Then a message came up again from him.  "I'm picking you up at 8:30 am tomorrow.  Dress nice, but not too nice.  I want to be able to show my girl off."

"Luca you are my teacher" I responded concerned.  Then I sent another text "We can't be seen together out in public"

"At least until you graduate, yes.  But don't worry because I have something special planned for us."

I smiled and responded "Okay whatever you say Mr. Knight (;"

"Goodnight darling"

And then one last message popped up

"Oh and underneath, try not to wear pink super girl panties this time (;"

My face turned so red as I locked my phone and tried to fall asleep.  Although it was going to be pretty hard now that I know he knew what panties I wore.

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