The Hospital

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Well this couldn't have been more awkward.  Mom walked over to me and said "Nani, what are you doing here?"  She looked concerned.  "My shift ends in 5 hours, could you have waited to see me later?"  Then she looked down at my chart, "What is this about your wrist?"

She softly took my wrist and saw the bruising. "Is this why you are here?"

I couldn't get any words out.  I was really nervous she would see Luca and start asking questions.   I really couldn't have Mom finding out that I was seeing my teacher.  

"Come on Nani, follow me.  Let's go get this checked out, and get some x-rays for you"

I followed her to the exam room, and turned back to look for Luca.  He sat there, smiled, and waited.  Then a message popped up on my phone from him that read 

'I'll be here when you get done...don't worry'.

We got to the room and I sat down on the bed.  Mom took some looks at my wrist, then we walked back to the X-ray room.  It was very silent between us.

When we got back from the x-rays Mom sat there with me, even though she didn't have to because I was 18 and didn't need her in the room for medical assistance.  Finally she broke the silence and asked, "So how did you do this?"

I gulped.  I didn't know what I could tell her.  She didn't know about the party I went to.  I didn't want to talk about it honestly.  I knew she would be sad.  Things like this didn't settle well with Mom, especially after everything that went down with Dad.

I took a deep breath, then started explaining what happened.

I could see the hurt that it was bringing my mom when I told her what was happening.  How Dallas came from behind, how he followed me into the room, how he grabbed my wrist.   Then I stopped telling the story.  I realized what happened after that was best to keep to myself because I knew that there were things that Mom didn't need to know, like how Luca came and saved me.  

A tear fell down Mom's face.  "Mom I'm okay."  Then the doctor knocked on the door.   It startled me honestly, because the last time I heard knocking on a door I was in a horrible situation.  

The doctor walked in with the x-rays.  He put them up on the screen and turned to me and said "Well do you want the good news or the bad news first?"  

"The bad I guess" I said reluctantly.  

"Well your wrist is broken, but that's actually the good news too.   A bone bruise can actually feel more painful and take longer to heal.  This was a clean fracture so we are just going to cast you and then you should be good.  Then in 6 weeks you'll come back in and we will take a look and see if we are ready for you to take off the cast.  And if we are then we can put you in a soft brace for 2 weeks, then you should be good to go."  I sighed because I knew that this was a long time to be in a cast, but I guess it was a good option considering the circumstances.  "I'm also going to write you a prescription for the pain."  He smiled.

"Thank you Dr. McClendon."  Mom said before I could get anything out.

"No problem Kai". He smiled at her and blushed. Then Mom blushed.

Did I just see what I thought I did?!  Was Mom flirting?! OH. MY. GOD.

I was so happy for her in this moment!  I really wanted Mom to be happy.

Then Dr. McClendon said "I'll have your mom here cast you, and I'll see you in 6 weeks."  Then he walked out of the room.  

Once he was gone I turned to Mom and eagerly asked, "SOOOOOO????!!!! Is this your new man?!"

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